While doctors line up to question the Bill Gates-connected Fauci and Birx rationale behind the coronavirus lockdown, researchers of the Coronavirus are winding up in the morgue.

As was the case with a University of Pittsburgh professor who was “on the verge of making very significant findings” about COVID-19 was fatally shot in Pennsylvania over the weekend, authorities say.

Bing Liu, a 37-year-old research assistant professor, was found dead in a home Saturday with gunshot wounds in his head, neck, torso and an extremity, according to the Allegheny County medical examiner. An hour later, a second person, 46-year-old Hao Gu, was found dead in a vehicle less than a mile away, according to the agency. Investigators believe Gu killed Liu in his home before returning to his car and taking his own life, Detective Sgt. Brian Kohlhepp of the Ross Police Department said in a statement. The narrative goes on to whitewash Liu’s death as “the result of a lengthy dispute regarding an intimate partner,” Kohlhepp said.

And as the Washington Post reported, “Neighbors told the paper they didn’t hear any gunshots the day Liu was killed. The front and rear patio doors of Liu’s home were open at the time of his death because of the springtime weather, the Post-Gazette reported. His wife wasn’t home at that time. No items were stolen from the home, according to the paper.”

According to University of Pennsylvania obituary “Bing was on the verge of making very significant findings toward understanding the cellular mechanisms that underlie SARS-CoV-2 infection and the cellular basis of the following complications. We will make an effort to complete what he started in an effort to pay homage to his scientific excellence.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci is passive-aggressively entering a modified quarantine as his conflicting interest in the trajectory of the Bill Gates billion dollar vaccine rollout veers off course. In 2015, a rash of mysterious suicides plagued the alternative autism and cancer medical community. Will Bing Liu’s mysterious death be just the beginning for coronavirus researchers? And what will become of the University Of Pittsburgh scientists continuing his research?

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