Election loser Hillary Clinton has a fresh Trump conspiracy theory… the President’s executive orders  to counter the economic disaster caused by the pandemic are just a “stunt” to make himself look good, and to do away with Social Security and Medicare.

With economic collapse imminent, and Congress stalling, Trump took matters into his own hands, and issued orders to pump almost $2 trillion into the economy to support Americans in need now.

The new orders will:

  • Provide a payroll tax holiday to Americans earning less than $100,000 per year.
  • Extend unemployment benefits by $400 per week
  • Defer student loan repayments through the end of the year
  • Extend protections against evictions

Trump argued that Democrats plan to raise taxes will kill the economy:

Nancy Pelosi called Trump’s actions “unconstitutional slop”:

Then Hillary Clinton dropped by wither her own theories:

“It’s a stunt. There’s no doubt about it.” Clinton crowed.

“Most likely, as even Republican senators have said, unconstitutional, bypassing Congress, trying to spend money, he has no authority to direct. But it’s also meant to be a big diversion from the hard work the Congress should be engaged in to provide the kind of relief that tens of millions of Americans need.” Clinton continued.

She further argued that because the pandemic is ongoing (which is Trump’s fault), “we can’t act like it is back to normal. People are still unemployed in great numbers. Small businesses have been shuttered, are gasping for help. so the Congress needs to act.”

Clinton expended her conspiracy theory, adding that “Basically, [Trump] signaled that he is going after Social Security and Medicare.”

“I don’t know if he understood that. You never know what he knows and doesn’t know about how the government operates. But basically, he was talking about ending the financial contributions we all make into Social Security and Medicare through the payroll tax,” Hillary claimed.

“He doesn’t really have the authority to do what he tried,” she continued, adding “he sent a signal to voters that, you know, if you were unfortunately unlucky enough to have him be president again, you can watch what he is going to do to social security and medicare. It’s going to hurt not just elderly Americans but every American.”

So, according to Hillary, by pumping trillions into the economy immediately in the face of imminent economic collapse, Trump’s real agenda is to destroy social security.

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