Romney’s campaign office closed while Paul’s a hive of activity

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, December 15, 2011

With the results of a new survey from Public Policy Polling showing him tied in first with Newt Gingrich for the inaugural Republican primary, CNN admits that Ron Paul could “rock the GOP race” by winning Iowa.

The CNN report highlights how Ron Paul’s campaign office in Des Moines was a “hub of activity” while Mitt Romney’s campaign office was “still closed at mid-morning”.

If Paul can secure a strong third place finish in Iowa or beat one of the two establishment candidates, his position as a presidential frontrunner will be firmly locked in for the rest of the 2012 race. A separate American Research Group poll has Paul tied in second with Romney with Gingrich ahead in Iowa.

“One thing we know about Republicans this year: They are disenchanted with their entire field of candidates,” said Republican strategist and CNN contributor Alex Castellanos. “If Republicans are so dispirited that turnout is low, Ron Paul could win. You know his voters will wade through snow, sleet and mind-numbing political rhetoric to get to the polls.”

Being the first event of the electoral nomination process, taking place this year on January 3, the Iowa caucuses are traditionally seen as a highly influential in determining the final GOP nominee. Out of the past three contested Iowa primaries, two of the victors have gone on to win the overall Republican candidacy (George W. Bush and Bob Dole).

The New Hampshire primary follows a week after Iowa on January 10th. The current numbers show Paul beating Gingrich 21-16. Romney holds a commanding lead with 35 per cent, but if the former Massachusetts Governor finishes third in Iowa, it could severely impact his chances of taking New Hampshire.

Phony conservative talking heads have gone into overdrive in an effort to smear Paul at this crucial time, with Rush Limbaugh erroneously claiming that all of the Republican candidates with the exception of Paul can beat Obama. In reality, the latest polling figures show that Paul has the best chance out of all the candidates of beating Obama in a head to head.

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Neo-con and former George W. Bush speech writer David Frum goes a step further, ludicrously claiming that Ron Paul’s “crank theories” on the economy would irreparably worsen the financial crisis, arguing instead for another dose of the exact same medicine that caused the economic collapse in the first place – an out of control national debt and a runaway money supply.

It really illustrates how Paul’s success is frightening the increasingly less influential RINO establishment Republicans who are quickly being swept aside by Tea Party fervor when they all come out in unison to attack the Congressman right as he peaks in the polls.

Tomorrow’s Tea Party Moneybomb could enter the record books as the most successful online fundraiser in political history. We urge our readers to support Congressman Paul’s presidential campaign by making a donation at


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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