Within hours of the fatal shooting in Virginia of two television station employees, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called for anti-gun legislation.

Attacking the Second Amendment is a major component of Clinton’s campaign.

“I will do whatever I can. I am not afraid of this fight. I am not backing off from this fight because it has gone way too far in one direction and we need to get back to some balance,” she told an audience of college students in Las Vegas recently.

On Wednesday Clinton ally Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy criticized Bernie Sanders for voting against the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act.

“Bernie Sanders is no progressive when it comes to guns,” Malloy said.

Democrats will use the tragic shooting in Virginia to renew calls for draconian gun legislation.

Following the 2013 defeat in the Senate of legislation calling for background checks, Obama and the Democrats have pushed hard to kick start the issue.

The White House admitted using executive authority to restrict access to guns and Obama declared his commitment to imposing gun laws, including requiring background checks for sales online and at gun shows.

The Obama administration has reacted to the incident under the banner of “gun violence,” code for anti-gun legislation:


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