Climate cops in Scotland have been handed new powers to fine “wasteful” homeowners and businesses who use too much energy or too many plastic bags under new legislation that represents the first wave of invasive tyranny under the pretext of fighting the manufactured threat of global warming.
Energy police will have free reign to impose penalties on householders and companies who do not comply with “energy efficiency” demands following home inspections. This is the template for similar measures set to be imposed in the U.S. should Democrats manage to force through their own climate legislation this week.
[efoods]“Measures voted through by Parliament included the power to fine householders and companies if they do not take action to improve the energy efficiency of their houses and buildings,” reports the Scotsman. “Charges could be brought in for plastic bags, and businesses may be forced to reduce packaging under the powers granted to ministers in the Climate Change Bill.”
We have been warning for years that the real agenda behind the climate change con has nothing to do with saving the environment and everything to do with the government controlling and regulating every aspect of our private lives.
How long before you get a knock on your door from the “green brigades” demanding that you comply with the latest government energy regulations?
Apparently not too long if Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has his way. Schwarzenegger took the unusual step of praising the legislation passed in Scotland and said that “other nations to step up to the plate” with similar measures.
Obama’s pledge to “create millions of new green jobs,” in other words millions more government enforcers harassing and fining citizens, is part of the government’s effort to push through a sprawling climate change bill this week which ultimately aims to cut carbon dioxide emissions by a whopping 70-80%.
As we previously highlighted, if such a program was to be fully implemented, the consequences for the American economy would be devastating, creating a new great depression and sinking Americans’ standard of living to near third world status.
As University of Oxford Professor Dr James Buckee states, banning the internal combustion engine, and coal-fired power stations of an entire country, be it Scotland or the U.S., would not even get close to obtaining an 80% reduction.
“More energy has been expended on finding ways to infringe on human activity than has gone into understanding the science,” said Buckee.
Such a massive program of carbon emission elimination can only be achieved through an army of “green brigades” bossing, enforcing and regulating the personal behavior of over 300 million Americans.
This is all about the creation of a leviathan system of suffocating bureaucracy, staffed and enforced by a gargantuan ‘green stasi’ army of regulators and petty officials charged with sucking the population dry of any money that hasn’t already been taxed or fined out of them by sticking their noses into our everyday activities.
The good news is that recent polls show that less and less people are buying into global warming hype as the apocalyptic predictions of hysterical alarmists fail to materialize in the real world.
Schwarzenegger’s desire to see similar legislation passed in the U.S. is being opposed by state representatives in places such as Arizona.
“Arizona is now close to becoming the first state to outlaw climate change legislation,” reports the Daily Tech. “The state Senate voted Monday, 19-10 to approve a bill banning the Department of Environmental Quality from enacting or enforcing measures with language pertaining to climate change. The bill is now awaiting House approval.”
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