A McAllen, Texas, city official has confirmed to Infowars rumors that the US Customs and Border Protection agency is purchasing bus tickets and vouchers for illegal immigrants pouring through the border and then shipping them to other parts of the country, all at the taxpayer’s expense.
“As I understand it, they provide them a ticket and then they drop them off,” the City of McAllen Emergency Management Coordinator, Kevin Pagan, exclusively told Infowars regarding the Border Patrol’s role in exacerbating the ongoing influx of illegal immigrants emigrating from Central America.
During the course of our investigation, Infowars reporters yesterday stumbled upon a giant tent set up behind the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in McAllen.
It was there we met with the city’s fire chief, emergency management coordinator and mayor pro tem, who were all preparing to welcome the immigrants, soon to be exiting the church, to a climate-controlled, military-style tent, complete with a latched door and external lavatory and shower facilities.
“Alls I know is that until today 99% of them that got off the Border Patrol bus at our bus station had a ticket,” the emergency coordinator for the South Texas city stated.
The official’s words add credence to a statement we received last week from an anonymous U.S. Border Patrol agent, who claimed,
In the RGV, we have been releasing aliens, through ICE, in Brownsville, Texas and McAllen, Texas. We have been ordered to go out of our way to bus them to those locations for release because they are cities of mostly Hispanic heritage, so fewer people will notice or care. We have been doing that for months before the stories broke in Phoenix, Arizona a couple of weeks ago.
Pagan told Infowars that, due to the Border Patrol’s backwards efforts, the city was having to rely on nearby towns for “resources” to help handle the surge of immigrants, most of whom have been flooding past the border from Central American countries, namely El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.
“Well today, apparently for some logistical reason, some of them hadn’t had transportation arranged or their transportation is tomorrow, and so we’re having to find places to shelter them for tonight, so we’ve accessed some resources that we have, and we’re gonna shelter them here tonight,” Pagan said, referring to the massive, air-conditioned tent protected by security guards.
Meeting with us around 11pm inside the tent designed to hold approximately 20 people, Pagan says last night was “the first time we’ve really had this.”
He also said the majority of immigrants housed behind the church were deemed to pose “no security risk” after having been screened by the Border Patrol. “So that category of people, as I understand it, they provide them a ticket and then they drop them off,” Pagan said.
Those detainees, who have learned surrendering to border agents typically grants them asylum, then “off they go” to places like California, Miami, Dallas and Houston with notices to appear at immigration court.
However, as an ICE agent candidly expressed to Infowars in a recent interview, “If they’re going, I don’t know. Probably not.”
Describing the loophole by which some illegal immigrants are able to abscond immigration law, Pagan said, “They all have a court date set and they’re under ‘deportation proceedings,’ but they don’t have a court date some of them for months.”
Being forced to carry out extraneous duties like making sandwiches for children and providing transportation and housing facilities, and as Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio pointed out “changing diapers,” more and more border agents are becoming frustrated with their jobs simply due to the fact they’re being forced to break the very immigration laws they’re tasked with enforcing.
Indeed, the anonymous border patrol agent even told Infowars the Obama administration’s refusal to seriously address the issue is intentionally providing immigrants “de facto amnesty.”
“The President and the Secretary of Homeland Security will ignore this issue as long as possible in order to let as many illegal aliens gain entry into the United States,” the agent wrote to us last week.
Agents from the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, have also called the effort “a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes.”
The Border Patrol’s catch and release program, in addition to saddling border cities with the burden of having to do the Border Patrol’s job, are more examples of how the Obama administration is directly and purposely aiding the invasion of our nation’s borders to a premeditated political end.
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