Must-See: Viral Video Exposes How Ocasio-Cortez Got Into Office The powers behind the young Democrat exposed Video
CNN Plants ‘Regretful’ Trump Voter; Turns Out He’s a Socialist Who Hates Trump This is why they're called 'fake news' Video
Migrant Saved by Swedish Refugee Activist Turns Out to be A Wife Beating Child Abuser Pathological altruism Video
Ezra Levant: “If Trump doesn’t bust up Big Tech monopolies, they’ll bust him up” A warning for the president Video
500,000+ South Koreans Sign Petition Opposing Muslim Immigration Are they racist white supremacists too? Video
VIDEO COMPILATION: Leftists Call For Civil War / Violence Against Conservatives The media ridiculed Alex Jones for saying leftists were calling for violence and civil war, but here it is in plain sight Video
Idiots Say World Cup is Racist Because a White Team Won It couldn't possibly be beacause they were better Video Comments
VIDEO: The Truth About the Border The left hates families and children, why should we believe them now? Video
VIDEO: What They’re Not Telling You About the Migrant Crisis The real reasons Europe is being swamped Video
Video: Miss America is Dead! Will Allow Fatties to Compete Just when you thought the world couldn't get any dumber... Video
The NWO Just Suffered a Massive Defeat in Italy Globalists are running scared of populist revolution Video