Kaine: Hillary Will Legalize Illegals Within 100 Days Paul Ryan to go along with plan, Kaine promised Washington Politics
Who Answers for Government Lies? Does the government work for us, or do we work for the government? Washington Politics
Dilbert Creator Predicts GOP Will Rig New Hampshire "If they don’t fix the race, or they fix it only a little, Trump will win big" Washington Politics
Video: Hillary On Big Oil Contributions – “They Must’ve Put It In The Wrong Envelope” Again denies knowledge of support from fossil fuel companies Washington Politics
Paula Jones: I Can’t Believe Bill Clinton Has the Nerve to Campaign for Hillary “I can't believe he's still going out there and showing his face." Washington Politics
Did Hillary Steal Iowa From Bernie: Here’s the Evidence so Far This particular primary election looks incredibly shady Washington Politics
Disaster For Donald Trump In Iowa And The Probability Of A Brokered Convention Just Went Way Up Trump could win more states than anyone else during this entire process and still not win the nomination Washington Politics
One of Marco Rubio’s Biggest Financial Backers to Tally Iowa Caucuses Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)’s campaign is raising concerns about the corporation’s potential conflict of interest in tallying the votes Washington Politics
Why Is Nobody Nailing Obama For This HUGE Bold Faced Lie He Was Just Caught In? Obama emailed Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton at least 18 times to her private, non-secure server Washington Politics
America 2016: We’re Mad As Hell And Not Going To Take It Anymore Polls show deep discontent with the direction of the country Washington Politics
Paul Declares He Is Only Candidate For The ‘Liberty Vote’ Commanding debate performance from the libertarian Senator Washington Politics
Video: Hillary Clinton Pretends To Be Working Class Hero Meanwhile She's Taking $300K Per Appearance From Goldman Sachs Washington Politics
The Proof Is In: The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal Organization In Human History Washington asserts the power of US courts over foreign nationals and claims extra-territorial jurisdiction of US courts over foreign activities Washington Politics
Trump To Hillary: If Guns Don’t Keep You Safe, Disarm Your Bodyguards "She should demand that her heavily armed bodyguards quickly disarm!" Washington Politics
NRA Releases New Year’s Ad Mocking Hillary Clinton The National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm released an online ad on New Year’s Eve mocking Hillary Clinton for her positions on gun control Washington Politics
GOP Bigs Drafting Plan For Romney Presidential Run Allies of Romney, who lost to President Obama in 2012, have come up with a strategy for the former Massachusetts governor to make a late entry Washington Politics