Kut Nimmo
June 19, 2009

Central bankers in Japan are mulling the abolition of cash. Richard Jerram, a senior economist with Macquarie bank, told investors that “the proposal has become practical with the broad penetration of electronic money and credit cards in Japan,” reports the Times Online. Bankers claim the scheme will rescue the economy from another deflationary spiral.

Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve make sure inflation ravages the economy at the behest of the bankers.

For more than a decade Japan has implemented “quantitative easing” — i.e., printing money out of thin air — as a way to fight deflation. Deflation effects the economy because consumers hold back from purchasing decisions, as they wait for cheaper prices. Economists believe that in Japan’s case nominal interest rates of -4 per cent might be required to “rescue” the economy from deflation.

In fact, bankers love inflation and that is why they are inventing schemes to combat deflation. “This new law [the Federal Reserve Act] will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation,” warned congressman Charles Lindbergh in 1913 on the eve of the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.

The trusts, or the criminal association of bankers, have consistently — and scientifically, as Lindbergh noted — imposed inflation since the Federal Reserve Act breezed through Congress in the dead of the night during Christmas recess in 1913.

[efoods]Government loves inflation because it depends on it to finance its operations. Government requires an ever increasing amount of money to pay back an ever increasing amount of debt owed to the bankers. Fed mob boss Bernanke promised to keep the process going back in 2002 when he delivered a speech on combating deflation. After the speech, he received the moniker “Helicopter Ben” because he said the Federal Reserve had printing presses and could drop money from helicopters.

Japan will become the “testing ground” for the “outré” migration from physical fiat paper money to cashless digits, according to one Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi strategist. The plan is “in the realms of economic science fiction,” he said.

In addition of fine-tuning and tweaking the bankster control of monetary policy, the move toward a cashless society will allow the elite to control the masses to an extent previously only speculated upon in science fiction novels. The cashless society prophesized by our rulers fits right in with the choreographed move toward satellite and cellphone tracking, ubiquitous RFID chips, DARPA and NSA surveillance, the orchestrated end of Posse Comitatus and the federalization of local police and governments now well underway.

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