Democrat presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg’s campaign has been caught plagiarizing his policy plans directly from mainstream media outlets and globalist organizations.

As The Intercept reports, portions of the Bloomberg campaign’s plans for “maternal health, LGBTQ equality, the economy, tax policy, infrastructure, and mental health” were directly stolen from “research publications, media outlets, and a number of nonprofit, educational, and policy groups.”

The campaign took literature from CNN, Time, and CBS, as well as a John Jay College of Criminal Justice research center, the American Medical Association, Everytown for Gun Safety, Building America’s Future Educational Fund, and other groups.

Bloomberg did co-found Everytown for Gun Safety and Building America’s Future Educational Fund where he was listed as a co-author on the educational fund’s reports, however, he has no affiliation with the other outlets and organizations.

“The plagiarized sections ranged in length from entire paragraphs to individual sentences and fragments in documents that were between five and 174 pages long,” The Intercept reports.

After The Intercept asked the Bloomberg campaign about the plagiarized material, the website took down an entire plan and altered several others.

The campaign released a statement on the plagiarism accusations, yet failed to deny the literary theft.

Ironically, Bloomberg’s media outlet Bloomberg News strongly condemns such behavior in their style guide, writing, “Plagiarism is theft. Be prepared to lose your job if you plagiarize. Always credit original reporting to those who did the legwork, and never reproduce quotes made to others if we heard them ourselves. Press summaries must cite the publication that did the reporting and explain the attribution used in the original story.”

Although the Bloomberg campaign altered its plans after being caught, The Intercept took screenshots and posted them side-by-side with the original source material they stole from. See Below:

Smarter Faster Safer Greener: A Plan To Bring America’s Infrastructure Into the 21st Century
“All-in Economy” Agenda Fact Sheet

“LGBTQ+ Equality Policy” Fact Sheet
“Plan to Address the Nation’s Maternal Health Crisis and Improve Access to Women’s Health Services” Fact Sheet
Bloomberg’s “Housing Affordability and Homelessness Strategy” Fact Sheet
Bloomberg’s Tax Policy
Bloomberg’s “21st Century Infrastructure Plan” Fact Sheet
Bloomberg’s Gun Safety Policy Plan

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