COMMENT: Whatever the government, WHO or CDC says is fact because they are “experts”; whatever critics or the public think is “rumor.” And yet, Council of Europe investigations have proven the “rumors” correct– it was a false pandemic enflamed by a deliberate fear campaign. The vaccine was not tested, and its production involved the use of cancerous cells. Who is the expert and who is the rumor-monger after all?

March 5, 2010

First, people were clamoring for H1N1 vaccines, but there were not enough to go around. By the time vaccines were available in any quantity, most of the public had lost interest.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
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And no one knew just how unpredictable the production of vaccines would turn out to be, top U.S. public health leaders agreed on Friday.

Getting the U.S. public to roll up their sleeves and get vaccinated was definitely one of the biggest challenges to managing the pandemic of H1N1 swine flu, speaker after speaker agreed at a conference on influenza regrets.

And then there were the rumors the vaccine was not safe. “We can’t ever be in a situation again where we have a countermeasure that half the public won’t accept,” Lurie said.


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