Activist Post
July 13, 2011

On Monday, UPI announced the findings of a recent Harris poll that revealed a record low amount of people believe the global warming theory. Only 44% of the 2163 people polled say they believe that CO2 is warming the earth:

Only 44 percent say they ‘believe the theory’ that carbon dioxide emissions are warming the Earth, down from 51 percent in 2009 and 71 percent in 2007, but most movement has been into the ‘not sure’ column.

This poll comes just a week after climate scientists admitted that the climate actually cooled over the last decade, which they blamed on sulfur pollution from China’s coal-burning power plants. This led some to suggest that sulfur emissions could be increased to geoengineer the climate to cool it down further.

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Coincidentally, today, Al Gore launched his new attempt to re-educate the masses with the Climate Reality Project, which he calls a “global campaign to broadcast the reality of the climate crisis.” Gore claims that oil and coal companies are deceiving the public and have “unlimited resources to sow doubt”, but that he has reality on his side.

However, it seems his data is a bit dated. Given the new revelations about coal-burning plants actually cooling the planet, you’d think he’d be now supporting them. Furthermore, it has long been known that BP and other oil companies were founding members of the “Cap-and-Trade” lobby in support of carbon taxes.

His new organization invites people to “reject the mistruths they hear every day” and “discover the truth about climate change for themselves.” Notice he doesn’t say seek the truth, but rather discover it — from him.

It’d be unfair to completely pick apart his exact words because this organization seems like it was put together in about five minutes, complete with typos in his announcement and a shabby website with one lonly blog post.

Yet, the website makes a startling claim, that they know how to save us from global warming. The final sentence of the About Us section reads “The climate crisis is real and we know how to solve it.

Gore doesn’t give any details as to how he’ll “solve” the climate crisis. But if the game plan is still the same one he developed with Ken Lay from Enron, then it’ll likely include giving more money to the banking overlords, further manipulating the biosphere, deliberate reduction in the population, and perhaps even starting a nuclear war.

In the video below, put together specifically to launch this project, Gore tells the viewer that the climate crisis is “not your fault”, but we must act together to fix it. A point he reinforces on their website, “Climate change is not your fault for the car you drive, the lights you turn on, or the food you eat. The climate crisis is our problem.” He also makes a call to reveal the deniers:

If you want to contribute to “spreading climate reality” or reveal the deniers about science, send Al Gore and his crew some facts and figures directly through the Climate Reality Project’s contact form here.

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