Kurt Nimmo
September 23, 2008
According to a recent Rasmussen Reports survey, 28% of Americans support the banker bailout plan and another 35% are not sure what to think. “Adding weight to the large number of undecideds is the finding that 82% of Americans are following the bailout story, including 44% who say they are following it very closely. Sixty-five percent (65%) say they are at least somewhat confident they understand the reasons why the plan is being proposed.”
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Goldman Sachs chairman Paulson’s appointment was no mistake and it surely wasn’t a conflict of interest. | |
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In fact, most people have no idea what’s behind the plan because the corporate media is not telling them the whole story. Most do not realize there is a crash right around the corner and it is part of the New International Economic Order — synonymous with the phrase New World Order — proposed by the Trilateral Commission, a coterie of bankers and directors of transnational corporations headed up by the chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank and a central figure in the Council on Foreign Relations, David Rockefeller.
“The Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States,” Barry Goldwater wrote in 1979.
How best to realize this multinational consolidation? Break the bank — or rather the U.S. Treasury. In 2005, writing for the Federal Reserve, Dr. Laurence J. Kotlikoff noted: “Countries can and do go bankrupt. The United States, with its $65 trillion fiscal gap, seems clearly headed down that path.”
One year after Kotlikoff wrote this, the Bush administration sacked Treasury Secretary John Snow and replaced him with Hank Paulson, chairman of Goldman Sachs, one of a small number of institutions allowed to purchase bills, bonds, and notes directly form the Treasury. Paulson’s appointment was no mistake and it surely wasn’t a conflict of interest.
On March 31, 2008, Paulson released a 200 page document titled, “Blueprint for a Modernized Regulatory Structure.” It calls for the complete restructuring of U.S. markets and their regulatory structures to meet new “global standards,” that is to say bring them in line with the New International Economic Order, i.e., the New World Order.
Under Paulson’s “Proposed Treasury Authority to Purchase Troubled Assets,” (see the Fact Sheet on the U.S. Treasury’s website), the “Secretary will have the discretion, in consultation with the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, to purchase other assets, as deemed necessary to effectively stabilize financial markets.”
In other words, if passed by Congress, Paulson and Bernanke will have the authority to intervene in the markets as they — as minions of the global elite — deem necessary. It is not a stretch to imagine the outcome: a cornering of the gold, silver, or platinum markets, the snatching up of prime real estate and corporations, running the competition out of business. In essence, this represents the sovietization of the U.S. economy. It is central planning as envisioned by the global elite. It is a triumph for the New International Economic Order.
It is a fait accompli for the globalists.
Not that you can do anything about it, at least nothing legal. “The bill would bar courts from reviewing actions taken under its authority,” reports Bloomberg. “This is a much-needed declaration of power for the Treasury secretary,” remarked historian John Steele Gordon, author of “Hamilton’s Blessing.” (Alexander Hamilton was a blessing for the bankers — he conceived the First Bank of the United States, modeled after the Bank of England.) Frank Razzano, a former assistant chief trial attorney at the Securities and Exchange Commission, told Bloomberg the Bush administration wants “dictatorial power unreviewable by the third branch of government, the courts.”
“This is not a monarchy,” economist Nouriel Roubini complained earlier this week.
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No, it’s not a monarchy — instead, it’s shaping up to be a fascist dictatorship as Mussolini, the father of fascism, understood it: an absolutist state controlled by corporations and international bankers.
“If Wall Street gets away with this,” writes William Greider for The Nation, “I predict it will become a transforming event in American politics — exposing the deep deformities in our democracy and launching a tidal wave of righteous anger and popular rebellion.”
Mr. Greider may not know it, but the globalists are one step ahead of him. These would-be rebels will have to deal with the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team and other components of Northern Command, soon to be “an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks,” according to the Army Times. It’s an “enduring mission,” dealing with terrorists who are opposed to being reduced to chattel slaves for the bankers and global elite.
“This is not a plan aimed at reviving the economy,” remarked Robert Brusca, chief economist of Fact and Opinion Economics.
Brusca’s right. It’s a plan designed by bankers to steal wealth through bankruptcy and economic depression. It’s designed to reduce you to serfdom and make you a peon to the New International Economic Order, aka the New World Order.
Finally, Council on Foreign Relations insider Carroll Quigley warned us about this back in 1966 when he wrote:
The powers of financial capitalism had (a) far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank… sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.
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