Flynn Lawyer Says Shocking Clinton Material On Anthony Weiner’s Laptop, Recommends Military Examine It
‘There’s a LOT that can be prosecuted, I have no doubt, on that laptop,’ says Sidney Powell.
‘There’s a LOT that can be prosecuted, I have no doubt, on that laptop,’ says Sidney Powell.
Article reads like it was drafted by the Communist Party.
‘If the government can misuse this system to spy on a presidential campaign, they can surely do it to any other American citizen,’ says House Freedom Caucus.
Democrat frontrunner loses cool ahead of primary.
Billionaires, Obama loyalists, and Deep Staters to implement Biden’s ‘Return To Normal’ doctrine.
#HellNoJoe and #WhereIsJoe also trending as voters pick up on gaffes and slip-ups by former VP.
Why does the left revel in killing babies?
SCOTUS set to review Louisiana pro-life bill.
Anti-establishment candidate prostrates to the establishment Democrat leader to gain favor with moderates.
Lawsuit filed ‘to publicly establish the truth and seek appropriate legal remedies for harm caused by false reporting.’
Deep Stater so corrupt and disgraced that even establishment Dems don’t want to be affiliated with him.
Former Secretary of State compelled to appear for interview under oath.
Another leftist fake hate crime to demonize Trump supporters exposed.
Says fake news story put out for ‘purpose of hurting the campaign, while misleading its own readers in the process.’
Peter Nygård has decades-long sex abuse allegations against him akin to billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.
‘Case Agent 1’ Stephen Somma omitted exculpatory evidence of Trump associates during Crossfire Hurricane probe.
Many had believed he used walker to garner sympathy from jury.
Philip Haney had exposed Obama’s plans to erase Muslim terrorist database.
Media eats crow after DOJ spox slaps down rumors from anonymous sources.
Hypocrisy of the mainstream media on full display.