Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, March 5, 2010
Just two days after we warned of false flag domestic attacks that would be blamed on the federal government’s political adversaries were all but inevitable, a Californian man attacked the Pentagon last night in a shooting that wounded two police officers and has since been blamed on the John Patrick Bedell’s advocacy for 9/11 truth.
On Wednesday we explained how a Southern Poverty Law Center report which demonized We Are Change 9/11 truth organizations in the same breath as violent racist skinhead groups was part of a preparatory set-up for violent domestic acts that would be blamed on anti-government extremists.
We pointed out that since examples of Americans committing violence in pursuit of their political beliefs, FBI patsy Timothy McVeigh aside, were thin on the ground, organizations like the SPLC were begging for such incidents to occur in order to provide the federal government with the pretext to crack down on dissent and silence free speech on the Internet.
Low and behold, last night 36-year-old John Patrick Bedell calmly walked up to a subway station immediately adjacent to the Pentagon building, pulled out a gun and opened fire at point blank range.
“He walked up very cool. He had no real emotion on his face,” said Richard Keevill, chief of Pentagon police.
Two officers were injured before Bedell was gunned down and later confirmed dead in the early hours of the morning.
Authorities said they were investigating reports of a second man at the scene who was apparently aiding the shooter.
As is routine, people who knew Bedell expressed shock that he would attempt such an attack.
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“He just seemed like a normal guy to me,” Ronald Domingues said. “I wouldn’t suspect he would be involved in anything like this.”
Under the headline, Pentagon Shooter Railed Against U.S. on Internet, the Associated Press reports that one of the primary motivations for the attack was Bedell’s “Resentment of the U.S. government and suspicions over the 9/11 attack.”
“Signs emerged that Bedell harbored ill feelings toward the government and the armed forces, and had questioned the circumstances behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks,” according to the article.
Bedell was also “determined to see that justice is served,” according to another Internet posting, in response to the death of Marine Col. James Sabo, which was ruled a suicide but suspected by Bedell to be a cover-up.
“Officials said they’d found no immediate connection to terrorism but had not ruled it out,” states the report.
The proximity of the incident to the release of the SPLC report is seamless and the implication is clear – anyone who demands that ‘justice be served’ in response to government corruption or anyone who demands the truth behind 9/11 be made public is a dangerous extremist who is likely to go on a shooting rampage.
The media attempted to craft a similar scenario following the Richard Poplawski shooting, which killed three Pittsburgh police officers, despite the fact that the incident arose as a result of a domestic dispute between Poplawski and his mother, and not as a consequence of Poplawski’s political beliefs, as the media attempted to spin the events.
The debunkers and the establishment can now have a field day with the Pentagon shooting and use it to make the case that 9/11 truthers are violent and should be silenced, ignoring the fact that not a single 9/11 truther has committed an act of violence in pursuit of their beliefs, and despite efforts to frame 9/11 truther Gary Talis when he was falsely accused of attacking a girl in a wheelchair. Talis was acquitted by a New York jury despite New York police officers and one Secret Service agent lying in claiming Talis had assaulted the girl when in fact he was the one being assaulted by the girl’s father.
There can be little doubt that we will see more incidents like last night’s shooting and, whether genuine or staged, they will be exploited to the maximum by the establishment media and the government to portray anyone who questions 9/11 and anyone who expresses “resentment” about how they have been looted for trillions of dollars as violent extremists who need to be silenced.
Such incidents will dovetail perfectly with the rapid advancement of cybersecurity and Internet censorship laws that will force people to obtain licenses to exercise free speech on the web, while providing Homeland Security with the perfect pretext to increase surveillance of all Internet traffic and communications.
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