City of Dallas attempts to crush First Amendment

Paul Joseph Watson
November 20, 2013

Authorities in Dallas, Texas are attempting to mark the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy by censoring the First Amendment, cordoning off huge areas of the city and prohibiting anyone who disagrees with the official narrative from entering Dealey Plaza.

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The city banned filming and the display of signs in the Dealey Plaza area, but under threat of lawsuits by groups such as COPA, authorities have caved to numerous concessions like allowing the handing out of leaflets and t-shirts, and hanging banners, although only in designated areas.

JFK was silenced 50 years ago but Infowars will not allow the truth to be silenced. In response to this egregious assault on constitutional rights, Alex Jones will lead three days of protest at different locations in Dallas.

Citizens in foreign countries are celebrated for standing up for their free speech rights but America is increasingly becoming a place where the right to peaceably assemble and demonstrate requires government permission. If the First Amendment is to be preserved, this authoritarian trend has to be completely reversed.

The first demonstration will take place on Wednesday at 8pm at the Federal Reserve building at the corner of Pearl and Woodall Rodgers Freeway, a location at which Jones has previously protested three separate times with other Americans. Free fliers will be handed out to protesters.

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On Thursday at 4pm we will meet at Ferris Plaza Park, 400 S. Houston Street, and march north to Dealey Plaza.

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On Friday at 11am we will meet at Belo Garden, 1014 Main Street and march west to Dealey Plaza.

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First Amendment marches in downtown Dallas will then take place on Thursday and Friday, with locations and times to be announced here shortly.

“The system would have been wise not to try to assassinate the First Amendment like they did JFK,” declares Alex Jones. “But because they did this, their efforts will backfire and be used instead to further awaken the sleeping giant that is the American people and people of the world.”

Despite a gargantuan effort on behalf of the establishment media to reinforce the official conspiracy theory that a lone gunman and a “magic bullet” were responsible for the death of JFK, polls still show that a clear majority of Americans disbelieve the government narrative.

We are calling on everyone in the Dallas area to join us for three days of demonstrations to reclaim their First Amendment rights in the face of official oppression.

Watch our live UStream below.

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