Former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao admitted in a tweet “we knew” about Ghislaine Maxwell sex trafficking underage girls but attended a party where Maxwell was present anyway.

“Pao, a former partner at venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins, said Maxwell was at the firm’s holiday party in 2011, more than two years after Epstein was first convicted of soliciting sex from a 14 year old,” reports Business Insider.

“[Maxwell] was at the Kleiner holiday party in 2011, but I had no desire to meet her much less have a photo taken with her,” Pao tweeted last night. “We knew about her supplying underage girls for sex, but I guess that was fine with the ‘cool’ people who managed the tightly controlled guest list.”

As Mike Cernovich notes, Al Gore was also at the event where no spouses were allowed.

After Pao was asked to elaborate on her tweet, she placed her Twitter account on lockdown.

After her tweet garnered media attention, Pao tried to clarify it ny noting that Maxwell had been accused by victims of taking part in the abuse as early as March 2011.

“To be clear, the press had described her as supplying underage girls for sex, but she had not been charged so I guess it would be more accurate to say we ‘suspected’ v ‘knew,'” said Pao in a follow up tweet.


When another Twitter user accused Pao of appearing to be “fine” with it, Pao responded, “What I said made no difference here.”


During that period, Jeffrey Epstein had been keen on pursuing relationships with Big Tech leaders and dined with the likes of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Google cofounder Sergey Brin in March 2011.

Epstein also met with Microsoft founder Bill Gates multiple times following Epstein’s first conviction for sex crimes in 2008.

Maxwell is currently in prison after being arrested by federal agents on Thursday at her secretive New Hampshire home.

According to reports, she may be willing to give up information on big names who were complicit in Epstein’s activities in exchange for a plea deal, although Epstein was reportedly willing to do the same and was found dead less than a month later.


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