Kurt Nimmo
April 16, 2012

Now that Government Coercion Day – er, Tax Day, April 15 – is behind us, I thought it might be appropriate to show a federal bureaucrat rationalizing your sacrifice at gunpoint.

In the video here, Obama’s Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, tells us government “services” are the American Dream.

Back in the day, the idea of the American Dream was taken from the Declaration of Independence – it revolved around “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” – but over the last one hundred years or so the government has significantly diminished the ability to attain liberty and happiness.

As for Life, far too many of us have surrendered a large part of it to the government so Solis and her ilk may continue to grow the federal dinosaur.

Solis promises to tax you more for government “services,” although she does not say it that way.

Instead, she says Obama plans to tax the rich – in other words, the somewhat rich since the real rich, the bankers and their globalist transnational corporations, never pay taxes.

The reality of the situation is that any “service” the government provides can be provided more cost effectively and efficiently by the people Obama promises to tax – the “rich” small business owners and entrepreneurs, the folks who create most of the jobs in America.

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