Jacob Becker and Emily Javins of Penn Township, Pennsylvania, were arrested last week for engaging in a fetish-based sexual affair with a 15-year-old boy.
According to Fox 6 Now, the couple was arrested Saturday after the child’s father reported questionable Facebook messages between his son and a 22-year-old woman to the police.
The woman, Emily Javins, met the victim at a Dungeons and Dragons game and allegedly kissed the boy at the direction of her partner Jacob Becker.
Javins told police she had sex with the victim the following day and that Becker molested the child as well.
Additionally, the victim told the police Javins was a “furry” who dressed like a cat and that he would take on the persona of a goat while Becker dominated them both.
Becker was interviewed by police and admitted to asking the victim if he could adopt him like a “pet.”
Becker also admitted to “racy role-play” that served as the victim’s “pet training,” and to sending the boy nude pictures and videos.
According to court documents, the couple put the boy on a leash and lead him to a bowl to eat a birthday cheesecake.
Becker and Javins were charged with corruption of minors and were held on $20,000 bail each.
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