James E. Miller
November 4, 2011

A friend of mine sent me the above picture the other day.  This driver’s support of Congressman Ron Paul’s run for the presidency shows a passion unmatched by the proponents of opposing candidates.  Can you imagine a Chevy Suburban decked out in “Herman Cain for President” memorabilia?  How about a Toyota Prius with a “4 More Years of Obama” sticker that takes up the whole of the rear window?  Yet somehow the above sight is not out of the ordinary when considering the dedicated base of supporters the Texas Congressman wields.

This following of course comes from Paul’s steadfast belief and record of promoting liberty. While other presidential candidates pathetically slip on their own words defending their less-than-consistent records, Paul’s integrity is without question. The media doesn’t understand this; it wants to be the gatekeeper of determining who “viable” candidates are. This is why Paul is hated and continues to be marginalized at every chance.

So what steps should lovers of liberty take in promoting the only candidate willing to tell the truth no matter the cost?  Load up their vehicle with bumper stickers of course!  Sure, this tactic is obvious judging by left over “Obama/Biden 2008” stickers still dotting the cars of now disillusioned supporters of a president who is both a tool of Wall Street and whose foreign policy makes George Bush look like a pacifist.  But the placing of just one “Ron Paul 2012” bumper sticker holds larger implications than informing the tail-gaiter behind you whom you support for chief executive.

Historically, the repressive policies of totalitarian governments have been countered through artistic renderings of resistant slogans and mottos.  Many times, such rebellion involves the use of graffiti.  The same concept applies to state-controlled media which is used to focus national discussion on the status quo only.  Dictators, whose lust for power mimics sociopathy, must discourage all forms of dissent to legitimize their control.  Earlier in the summer, graffiti denouncing North Korean leader, and former playboy, Kim Jong Il appeared on a wall Pyongyang Railroad College.  The message simply stated, “Park Chung Hee and Kim Jong Il are both dictators; Park Chung Hee a dictator who developed his country’s economy, Kim Jong Il a dictator who starved people to death.”  Needless to say, it resulted in a rigorous investigation to uncover the culprit.

Paul fans take heed, in order to counter a political and media apparatus so entrenched in corruption that it goes to great lengths demonizing a candidate who holds the only respectable view on Constitutionalism, we must display our support proudly.  Not only do “Ron Paul 2012” stickers represent the establishment’s biggest fear that the Texas Congressman has a large base of support, they relay an even more important message: it’s okay to support Ron Paul.  And that is exactly what the general public needs to see.  Despite how much the mainstream media distorts Paul’s views, we must let our fellow citizens know that they are not alone in wishing that a man can be elected president who truly wants to rein in the criminal Federal Reserve System, the parasitic military industrial complex, and the dependency creating welfare state.

Thankfully, we are not alone in our endeavors; a simple Google search for “Ron Paul 2012” bumper stickers yields half a million results.  And don’t forget the wonderful LRC Store and its fine selection of stickers.  With the first Republican primary election fast approaching in Iowa, now is the time to show your support.

Fight the state! Buy a bumper sticker!November 4, 2011

James E. Miller [send him mail] holds a BS in public administration with a minor in business from Shippensburg University, PA. He is a former staff columnist to the Shippensburg Slate and current contributor to his hometown newspaper, the Middletown Press and Journal. See his blog.

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