Patrick Henningsen
November 3, 2011
One might ask how a pizza tycoon who also sat on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank could ever have a realistic chance of connecting with enough Americans heads to bag a Republican presidential nomination?
The answer: he doesn’t.
The New York Times, the country’s paper of record hammered not one, but three nails into Herman Cain’s electoral coffin today. In media terms, this is the equivalent of a full-court press, a pressure front that will eventually force a fumble- or so it seems.
Cain has apparently scored the ‘trifecta’ of US presidential campaign politics: a financial scandal, a sex scandal and a dirty tricks war.
First follow the money. Not that conflicts of interests bother Americans much these days, but it seems that Cain’s campaign accepted many of thousands of dollars of in-kind donations from a shady tax-exempt organization- founded by his own chief of staff.
Add to this, Cain’s double allegations of sexual harassment earlier this week, which he viamently denies happened, but still payout were made.
And finally, the latest accusation by Cain’s campaign who are accusing GOP vival Rick Perry of orchestrating a smear campaign against the Texan’s stumbling rival camp.
Herman Cain is clearly an establishment figure, a matador who was inserted into the GOP race in order to direct the conversation and own a certain set of issues throughout the nationally televised debates. His gatekeeper skills were on show during the debates, as he successfully muted mounting criticism of the Fed System, and and ran denial screens regarding the issue of auditing the privately owned Fed. In essence, with a maverick like Ron Paul (TX) on stage taking shots at the establishment, Cain dutifully did his utmost to protect his bosses.
Once the Punch and Judy faux mud slinging is over, you can almost be certain that Cain will eject himself from the race, and throw his support and money behind front-funner and long-time Bilderberg member cum globalist, Rick Perry.
Theoretically speaking, the ruling elite could not have designed a better exhibition of controlled opposition, made-to-order in a Perry/Cain ticket – giving America a black candidate on both sides of the Presidential race. This, delivered specially for an American public who require the illusion of choice when super bowl Tuesday rolls around next November.
Until that time however, the corporate media will still give Herman Cain an illusion of top-tier status and face time, crowding out the obvious ascent of Congressman Ron Paul of Texas.
Cain’s eventual departure will no doubt make room for Ron Paul, who by anyone’s account, has been consistent and timely- picking up directly from where he left off in his meteoric 2008 run for the Republican nomination- a race where he finished second only to the establishment’s pre-selected D.O.A. horse John McCain.
However you cut it, the former Godfather CEO has been temporarily relegated, which means that Ron Paul – possibly the only GOP runner who could overtake Obama in a general election, may get his opportunity to challenge Perry in an open primary field in winter 2012.
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