Still maverick after all these years – not taking hand outs from George Soros, NGO’s or corporate lobbyists
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, October 31, 2011
November 1, 2011
The 27 hour Live Broadcast Marathon has ended.
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There’s a very good reason why gets more traffic than, why the Infowars media platform is now taking on the establishment media head to head, and why the message of liberty is once again creating brushfires in the minds of men and women across the globe – that reason is you our supporters, who we turn to once again for your fantastic support in the upcoming Infowars MoneyBomb.
Unlike other media platforms that pose as “alternative,” Infowars is not funded by the likes of George Soros, the Ford Foundation, or the Carnegie Institute. We are not PBS, we do not receive taxpayer funds. Similarly, we are not like the BBC in Britain, which uses government coercion to force people into paying license fees for content they may not even want.
We are completely funded by you our listeners and readers buying our books, DVD’s and T-shirts, doing business with our advertisers, as well as subscribing to Prison – the price of which has not changed in the 7-and-a-half years since its launch.
We do not have the luxury of turning to big corporate backers or strings-attached foundations when the bills need to be paid. We will not compromise our message by diluting the truth or playing the phony partisan blame game just to get a hand out from some slimy NGO.
Our commitment is not to a handful of billionaire financiers who would corrupt our output and turn it into just another arm of the Republican or Democratic parties, our commitment is to you our supporters, and to the truth.
Just look at what your support has enabled us to achieve over the course of the last decade. When I first visited the Infowars operation in 2005, it was a focused but rag-tag handful of people operating out of a tiny warehouse and make-shift broadcasting studio.
Fast-forward six years and your support has transformed the entire operation into a piercing shaft of light that has illuminated an otherwise barren corporate media landscape. Your support has paid for our bigger office space and warehouse, it has paid for the new TV studio, it has paid for the expensive equipment, it has paid for the new employees to run the show and finally turn what was a one man crusade into a powerful media command base. gets more traffic than (without the aid of GE funding), we are regularly linked on the hugely influential Drudge Report website, and the message of liberty has rattled the status quo to its core, specifically through Ron Paul’s presidential campaign, for which Infowars has proudly served as a vocal platform.
We now ask once again for your fantastic support as we seek to take Infowars to the next level, off into the stratosphere, and go head to head with the dying but still omnipotent establishment media, with the launch of the 2011 Infowars MoneyBomb on November 3rd, which again will see Alex Jones broadcast for a staggering 24 hours straight.
If you believe in what we are doing and can judge our sincerity by the fruits of our labor and our track record, then please consider becoming part of the Infowars MoneyBomb by donating here or alternatively you can support us by becoming a subscriber, and in doing so taking advantage of the 15-day free trial we are currently running.
If you cannot afford to donate, please help us by simply spreading the word about the MoneyBomb.
Time is short, and the world seems to be changing at an ever-accelerating pace, with the kind of turmoil we predicted years ago now unfolding in front of our eyes. In order to undertake our mission in these momentous times in human history, we call on you our supporters to stand behind us and aside us as we march onto the battlefield of ideas and take the Infowar into 2012 and beyond.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
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