Micheal Seamark
Daily Mail
September 20, 2011

Tony Blair sent a gushing personal letter to Colonel Gaddafi – after yet another visit to Libya – offering to help the dictator identify African projects to invest in, the Daily Mail can reveal.

Correspondence unearthed in war-torn Tripoli has revealed details of two secret trips by Mr Blair to see Gaddafi in the months before the release of the Lockerbie bomber.

Now details of a third visit have emerged in a ‘Dear Muammar’ letter in which the former Labour leader thanks Gaddafi for his hospitality and tells him he knows of ‘good, worthwhile projects for investment’.

The disclosure that Mr Blair was twice flown to Libya on a Gaddafi private jet – in June 2008 and April 2009 when the regime was threatening to cut all business ties with Britain if Abdelbaset al-Megrahi stayed in a Scottish jail – enraged relatives of the Lockerbie victims and further fuelled suspicions that the bomber was freed in return for lucrative oil contracts.

The emergence of yet another face-to-face meeting with the Libyan despot, who armed the IRA and whose henchmen murdered WPC Yvonne Fletcher, raises fresh questions about the ex-PM’s links with the murderous regime.

The third visit emerged in the letter, dated February 27, 2008, in which Mr Blair tells Gaddafi: ‘Thank you for your hospitality during my visit to Libya and for taking the time to meet with me. I greatly appreciated and enjoyed our wide-ranging conversation.’

Read full report here

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