Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) called for President Trump’s impeachment despite repeated pleas by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi not to bring up that subject ahead of the 2020 election.

“I think you could reach in a bag and pull so many things out that are impeachable of this President,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a Sunday interview. “I support impeaching this President.”

The remarks came the same day Pelosi appeared on “60 Minutes” to downplay Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist influence on the Democrat Party after her leadership was called into question, saying the socialist wing of the party comprises of “like five people.”

Lesley Stahl: “So you are contending with a group in Congress: Over here on the left flank are these self-described socialists, on the right, these moderates. And you yourself said that you’re the only one who can unify everybody. And the question is can you?”

Nancy Pelosi: “By and large, whatever orientation they came to Congress with, they know that we have to hold the center. That we have to be m– go down the mainstream.”

Stahl: “They know that –”

Pelosi: “They do.”

Stahl: “But it doesn’t look like that. It looks as if it – you’re – it’s fractured.”

Stahl: “You have these wings — AOC, and her group on one side –”

Pelosi: “That’s like five people.”

Stahl: “No, it’s– the progressive group is more than five.”

Pelosi: “Well, the progressive– I’m a progressive. Yeah.”

Stahl then pointed out several policies being championed by socialists, such as Medicare For All, that Pelosi had either dismissed or criticized.

Stahl: “Well, as I understand it the progressives want radical change. They wanna get rid of Obamacare and replace it with Medicare for all. I was under the impression that you had said that you do not favor Medicare for all, that– ACA, Obamacare is better.”

Pelosi last month tried to get the far-left wing of her caucus to pivot from impeachment talks after Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) submitted an impeachment resolution to Congress.

“I’ve made it really clear on impeachment,” Pelosi said. “Everybody can do whatever they want to do but that’s not a place where we are right now. Right now, we are talking about health care, we are talking about climate and building the infrastructure of America in a green way. Just like we promised in the campaign. That is what we are spending our time on.”

The fact is, Pelosi has almost no practical power over her liberal base compared to Ocasio-Cortez when it comes to setting the far-left agenda like the Green New Deal, as several Democrat presidential contenders have come out in support of the far-left’s socialist platform.

In addition to AOC, several prominent Democrats and the media are still calling for Trump’s impeachment.

“What more do we need to know? Impeachment is the only answer,” said Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) last month.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now being criticized for changing her tone while speaking to a group of African Americans. Alex Jones calls in from the road to break down the condescending attitude now common on the left.

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