The sound of sad trombones echos through the halls of media networks today as a year of speculation, surrounding contacts between Don Trump Jr. and ‘blocked phone records’ before and after the oft-emphasized Trump Tower meeting, ends with congress identifying two long-time Trump friends and a major nothing-burger.
Three phone calls by Donald Trump Jr. to blocked numbers in June 2016 fueled rampant media speculation that DJT-Jr. was coordinating with his father, Candidate Trump, over the substance of the Trump Tower meeting, before and after it took place.
SSCI Vice-Chairman Mark Warner and HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff both sold a suspicion narrative that candidate Donald Trump and Trump-Jr. were organizing, coordinating and colluding with “Russians”. Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his primary investigative asset Andrew Weissmann fueled the Russian Conspiracy speculation with targeted leaks to allies in the media. However, the truth comes out; and it is boring:
VIA ABC NEWS – Investigators on the Senate Intelligence Committee have learned the identities of three blocked phone calls with Donald Trump Jr just before and after the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, three sources familiar with the calls told ABC News.
The calls to blocked numbers, which came on June 6, and after the meeting on June 9, were between Trump Jr.’s cell phone and two family friends — NASCAR CEO Brian France and real estate developer Howard Lorber, according to the sources.
Both men have close ties to President Donald Trump and actively supported his campaign during the 2016 election. (read more)
Sources tell @ABC News the blocked calls that many Congressional investigators long believed were between Donald Trump Jr and his father were NOT – instead to longtime Trump family friends
— John Santucci (@Santucci) January 31, 2019
A lot of people look dumb today.
"Records provided to the Senate Intelligence Committee show the calls were between Trump Jr. & two of his business associates…and appear to contradict Democrats' long-held suspicions that the blocked number was from then-candidate Donald Trump"
— Andrew Surabian (@Surabees) January 31, 2019
New Evidence Destroys Adam Schiff’s Theory About Trump Tower Meeting via @dailycaller
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) January 31, 2019
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