brings you the latest breaking midterm election news and live analysis from Alex Jones and other great special guests.
Special 34-hour Election Day broadcast!
The War Room Election Day broadcast
The Alex Jones Show Election Day broadcast
The David Knight Show Election Day broadcast
Special Coverage of President Trump’s rally blitz from 6PM to Midnight CT
Watch Trump host the final 2018 midterm MAGA rally in Missouri:
You can also tune in at
War Room 3PM-6PM CT
The Alex Jones Show 11AM-3PM CT
The David Knight Show, 8AM-11AM CT
Share this link on Facebook and other social media, and get your friends and families to tune in to this widely-censored broadcast!
Also, tune in on Tuesday, November 6, starting at 8AM CT for special all-day Midterm Election Day coverage til midnight and later!
Watch: Alex Jones’ Final Message On The 2018 Midterm Elections
Also, check out the Secrets Of The 2018 Election Released By Alex Jones:
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