Daily Paul
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Ron Paul is set to officially launch his presidential campaign Friday morning, a Paul source told POLITICO.
The Texas congressman will make his announcement from New Hampshire during the 7:00 a.m. hour of ABC’s “Good Morning America.” Paul is then scheduled to speak at 10:00 a.m. in Exeter, part of a two-day swing through New Hampshire following a stop in Iowa. Paul will also be keynoting the Grafton County Republican Memorial dinner on Friday night.
Paul has already taken several incremental steps toward a full-fledged campaign, most recently opening an Iowa campaign office north of Des Moines earlier this week. He also recently raked in more than $1 million during a one-day online “money bomb” ahead of the first GOP presidential debate, demonstrating the continued strength of the grassroots fundraising machine that turned heads during his 2008 campaign.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0511/54836.html#ixzz1M9…
UPDATE: Confirmed via Ron Paul’s facebook page:
“Tomorrow I’ll be on Good Morning America around 7AM. I’ll also be making an important announcement at the historic Exeter town hall in New Hampshire at 10AM. If you are in the area, please stop by, or tune into the live stream of the announcement at http://www.ronpaul2012.com”
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