Much has been written about the unchecked influx of migrants into Europe recently. As the EU promotes the warm, fuzzy, “inclusive” policies that are overwhelming countries with immigrants, some of those countries are bluntly starting to say, “no more.”

At the same time, other countries seem to be quietly preparing for…something… without being quite so forthcoming about the event for which they are readying themselves.

Millions of refugees and asylum seekers, primarily from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Somalia are flowing into Europe, largely unchecked. This is because of a welcoming “open door” policy promoted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel back in 2015. Despite the backlash from Europeans,Merkel says she has “no regrets.”

But some overwhelmed countries have decided that enough is enough. They cite the refugees’ refusal to assimilate, increasing crime statistics (particularly against women), and no-go zones in which the migrants have banded together and created areas in which Europeans are not welcome.

The European Union is so displeased about this that they’ve taken 3 of their member countries to court for refusing to “share the burden of hosting migrants.”

I don’t have a crystal ball, but I wonder if we could see this disagreement becoming a catalyst for the dissolution of the European Union.

Austria is currently conducting exercises at their borders in preparation for a wave of 80,000 migrants expected to attempt to cross through soon. Zero Hedge reports:

Just a few weeks after the opening of a new “Balkan route” of travel through Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Croatia, Austrian forces will conduct border-security exercises on June 25 in the border town of Spielfeld in preparation for a wave of 80,000 migrants expected to travel through the route to Western and Central Europe, reports Kronen Zeitung, Austria’s most widely-circulated newspaper.

Taking part in the exercise will be between 600 and 1,000 members of the riot police, “Puma” border squad and Federal Army will participate in the exercise…

…”We must also be prepared for the case that in a sudden large migratory flow, the border protection measures in these friendly countries no longer help,” said Interior Minister Herbert Kickl, adding “We also show that we are serious. There will be no registration and wave-taking with us, but a real defensive attitude.”

Austria’s neighbor, Slovenia, has also taken steps to staunch the flow of migrants. Back in 2015, they began building a razor-wire fence along their border with Croatia after Hungary closed its borders and 180,000 migrants were redirected through the country of only 2 million people.

Slovenia began erecting a razor-wire fence at its border with Croatia on Wednesday to stem the inflow of migrants, as winter closes in and countries to the north tighten their own border controls.

A convoy of army trucks carrying barbed wire and construction equipment arrived in the border town of Veliki Obrez at dawn on Wednesday. Soldiers rolled out the wire along the Slovenian bank of the Sotla River, which forms part of the 400-mile border with Croatia…

…Though the new fence threatens to block the route again just as winter is approaching, migrants have largely been able to find their way around such obstacles.

Hungary has been adamant since the beginning that they would not be taking in refugees and migrants. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has defended his country’s refusal. He said:

…the European Union’s migration policies threaten the “sovereignty and cultural identity” of Hungary, in an interview published Monday.

“We don’t see these people as Muslim refugees. We see them as Muslim invaders,” he told the German daily Bild newspaper…

…Orban also rejected the idea that Hungary should be open to accepting people from majority-Muslim countries, saying his country “doesn’t want to be forced.”

“We believe that a large number of Muslims inevitably leads to parallel societies, because Christian and Muslim society will never unite,” Orban told the paper.

“Multiculturalism is only an illusion,” he added.

Poland has also refused to take in migrants under the 2015 EU ruling, right alongside Hungary.

“In agreeing to take in refugees, the [previous government] put a ticking bomb under us,” Interior Minister Mariusz Błaszczak told reporters in Brussels. “We’re defusing that bomb.”

…The reason given is that Muslim migrants could be a problem for Poland’s homogenous society.

Kaczyński reiterated his antipathy toward refugees in an interview with the Gazeta Polska Codziennie newspaper published Monday, warning that Poland “would have to completely change our culture and radically lower the level of safety in our country.” He also said that Poland “would have to use some repression” to prevent “a wave of aggression, especially toward women” on the part of asylum seekers.

Błaszczak warned that EU pressure on Poland to accept refugees “is a straight road to a social catastrophe, with the result that in a few years Warsaw could look like Brussels.”

Czech Republic:
There’s strong anti-migrant sentiment in the Czech Republic. So strong, in fact, that a recent poll showed that 94% of Czechs wanted to deport ALL the refugees.

According to an opinion poll, conducted by the Focus agency, 78 percent respondents demand that the guarding of Czech borders should be re-introduced, even if this means limiting the free movement of European citizens. 87 percent of respondents have said that the refugee crisis is a large problem for the Czech Republic. 94 percent of Czech respondents are convinced that the European Union should be deporting all refugees.

Although they were given a quota of 1600 refugees that they were required to take in by the EU last year, they refused to accept more than 12.

Italy and Malta:
Italy recently made news when they turned away a ship carrying 629 refugees. Italy’s newly elected interior minister Matteo Salvini kept his campaign promises and denied permission for the humanitarian ship Aquarius to dock at an Italian port. Malta also refused to take in the ship, despite the fact that they had run out of food.

The UN had called on Malta and Italy to immediately allow the boat to dock, describing the situation as “an urgent humanitarian imperative”.

The EU and the bloc’s biggest member state Germany made similar pleas.

“The priority of both the Italian and Maltese authorities should be ensuring these people receive the care they need,” European Commission spokesman Margaritis Schinas told reporters, calling for a “swift resolution”.

But Salvini refused to back down.

“Saving lives is a duty, turning Italy into a huge refugee camp is not. Italy is done bending over backwards and obeying, this time THERE IS SOMEONE WHO SAYS NO,” he wrote on Twitter followed by the hashtag #closethedoors.

Spain agreed to accept the ship, and Malta provided them with food and water to make the journey, still holding fast that they could not dock.

While not flat-out refusing entrance to refugees, Denmark began publicly discouraging would-be immigrants in 2015.

The Danish government responded to the growing humanitarian crisis with a barely veiled warning to migrants in Lebanon not to come to the prosperous Nordic country.

Danish newspaper advertisements highlighted the stringent regulations and constraints that await migrants: It can take five years to attain permanent residency; there are tough requirements on learning Danish; those who are granted temporary residency permits will not have the right to bring over family members in the first year after they arrive; and recent changes in the country have slashed welfare benefits for them by 50 percent.

Their government website says:

Denmark receives fewer asylum seekers per capita than our neighbour countries and other European countries that are comparable to Denmark, and we also grant asylum to fewer of them, if you compare each country of orgin separately….

…The fact that a country receives many asylum seekers is also linked to the country’s geographical location and how consistently the country takes fingerprints and registers arrivals (e.g. Italy, Greece, Malta and Hungary) and does not necessarily reflect where the asylum seekers wish to claim asylum.

By nature of geography, Greece has ended up with an overwhelming number of asylum seekers. It was supposed to be a situation in which the migrants were accepted into Greece, processed, and then sent elsewhere across the EU based on “quotas.”

But a lot of the migrants actually refused to leave, leading to hard feelings among Greeks who are still struggling after the economic collapse of their country. In case you’re wondering why they had hard feelings, here’s a glimpse into the workings of the mind of the mayor of the Greek city of Livadia, Giota Poulou:

Citizens of Livadia and elsewhere in Greece were “living in the limits of poverty”. It was “inconceivable” for them to see that refugees would have heating in their houses, when some of them did not have heating themselves.

“We told them we wanted to host the refugees based on solidarity and to offer them humane living conditions,” Poulou says.

But after 3 years of shouldering more than their fair share of the burden, Greece has finally stood up, refusing to take back refugees that Germany wanted to return to them.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico refused to accept the EU’s quotas back in 2015, stating that the refugees didn’t want to go there anyway.

“Migrants arriving in Europe do not want to stay in Slovakia. They don’t have a base for their religion here, their relatives, they would run away anyway. Therefore I think the quotas are irrational,” he said.

And they’ve maintained their stance, backing Italy’s recent refusal to admit the boatload of asylum seekers.

How is this going to end?
I’m not completely unsympathetic to the plight of those who want to leave countries in the Middle East and North Africa that have been bombed and droned beyond recognition. NATO has been “freeing” the heck out of them for decades, and as these viral photos show, there isn’t much left for people there. We have to accept the fact that interventionist foreign policies have had a large hand in creating this problem.

This being said, it’s lunacy to accept an influx of migrants who have no intention of assimilating into the culture of their host countries. It’s sheer madness to call it “racist” to prosecute immigrants for raping the women of your country due to cultural differences. It is the height of stupidity to allow outsiders to take over “zones” of your home country in which your police cannot maintain order.

This doesn’t mean asylum seekers should be abused and treated like animals. That leaves us at risk of losing our own humanity. But, it means that the world needs to employ some common sense and prevent this situation from worsening.

France has a new zero-tolerance policy “for the illegal occupation of public space” and although they haven’t squelched migration, they certainly seem to be paying more attention after a barrage of terrorist attacks that have been largely the work of Islamic migrants.

And while Sweden hasn’t outright said they’re putting a stop to things, recent events make me wonder if that’s what is coming. The sad thing is, like the Trojan war, they’ve reached the crisis point at which they’re going to be forced to defend their countries from the inside.

That’s not multiculturalism.

That’s suicide.

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