Joe Wolverton, II
The New American
January 14, 2011

Political organizations and advocacy groups around the country are curtailing or canceling their planned activities and advertisements in the wake of the shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords and the killing of six people at an event in Tucson, Arizona, last Saturday.

Various outlets are reporting that the political atmosphere is inhospitable to such overt political behavior and unseemly in light of the events in Tucson.

For example, in North Dakota, the Iowa-based political action committee American Future Fund, has shelved the series of ads it produced critical of Democratic Senator Kent Conrad. The group indicated that it was taking this tack “out of respect to what’s going on in Arizona.”

A piece published online by Roll Call reports:

Party committees are withholding e-mail campaigns going after Members [of the House of Representatives]. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee postponed political events, fundraisers, and e-mails related to the health care repeal bill that had been slated for a vote this week.

The National Republican Congressional Committee also is in a holding period, waiting on its work related to the repeal measure until legislative business resumes.

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