Arrested, tried, and sentenced within an hour: Tommy Robinson gets 13 months for livestreaming outside courthouse.

Not only that, but it is very hard to get any information at all, as the police have imposed a gag order regarding this case — obviously they know how bad it makes them look, as the darkness of Sharia-compliant totalitarianism descends upon the UK.

Future generations of free Britons, if there are any, will curse the name of Theresa May as the destroyer of free Britain.

Caolan Robertson is saying that this is a death sentence for Tommy because, like Britain First leader Paul Golding, he will likely be placed in the general prison population, which is dominated by violent Muslims who will be quite happy to dispatch Tommy to Jahannam.

Britain is finished, and its death as a free society is by its own hand.

An update on this story. “13 months!!!! – Tommy Robinson sentenced,” New English Review, May 25, 2018:

Caolin Robertson has now removed the earlier tweet (below) as he has been advised of the reporting restriction.

Caolan Robertson of Rebel Media has just reported from Crown Court Leeds on Twitter.
Tommy Robinson has just been given a 13 month prison sentence starting now for his livestream today. This is a death sentence for tommy. He is going to die in jail. This has to be stopped.

Tommy was subject to a suspended sentence from an earlier matter – this has probably also been invoked, hence the length of sentence…

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