In our continuing coverage of the UK’s healthcare system screwing over the kids, I give you this little gal’s tale. This British lass has a deformity which makes one of her legs much shorter than the other.

She went to the NHS to have them fix her. They wanted to chop the leg off:

A schoolgirl with one leg shorter than the other has been told by the NHS her only option is amputation.

However, a leading US surgeon claims UK doctors have the training – but not the confidence – to save her limb by lengthening it, and that the NHS lacks the highly specialist rehabilitation services she needs after surgery.

Dr Dror Paley has told the parents of seven-year-old Kyra Warrell, who was born with a rare condition affecting her thigh bone, that her treatment is straightforward.

‘She wouldn’t even have a limp once her leg-lengthening surgeries are complete.’

Seems it’s getting harder every day to get a leg up in the UK.

The NHS wants to cleave off the girl’s drumstick, give her a peg leg, and wheel her out the door. Nevermind any of the treatments available which would allow the little lady to live a normal life. After all, the NHS has a backlog of other victims patients they need to mutilate treat. The magic of universal healthcare, folks.

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Compare that sh*tshow of a healthcare system to American healthcare. Our docs do a little medicinal wizardry on her gam and she leaves a happy customer. All appendages intact. Eligible for the soccer team. Narrowly avoiding a lifetime of being nicknamed “nubby.” Capitalist bastards.

This story is the perfect contrast between our healthcare and theirs. Us ‘Murican hillbillies left the “amputate on sight” policy back in the Civil War, where it belongs. Meanwhile, our more “enlightened” cousins across the pond are still lopping off limbs without a second thought.

So much for the NHS being “the envy of the world.”

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