Kurt Nimmo
December 21, 2010

Rep. Peter King of New York is about to become chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. On Saturday, King announced he will hold hearings on the “radicalization of the American Muslim community.” King is convinced al-Qaeda has penetrated America and is now recruiting citizens to engage in terrorist acts.

“We want to assess the extent of the radicalization of the Muslim community,” said King. “It’s clear to me there has not been sufficient cooperation.”

American Muslims are rightfully afraid and outraged by King’s call for McCarthy-like hearings.

9/11 truth activists should be too.

Earlier today Newsday posted an op-ed by King, where he wrote the following:

In the days following 9/11, I made several television and radio appearances supporting American Muslims, saying that they had nothing to do with the attacks and were as loyal and patriotic as any Americans. I particularly warned that we could not do to Muslims what was done to Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbor.

Even today I cannot begin to describe the disappointment, anger and outrage I felt when, barely a month after those attacks that killed so many hundreds of Long Islanders, prominent Long Island Muslim leaders were insisting there was no evidence that al-Qaida was responsible for the attacks — even saying it could have been the CIA, the FBI or the Zionists!

Even more troubling is that to this day, no Muslim leader has denounced those vile remarks. Nor did Newsday say a word about these slanders — no moral outrage or condemnation. No demand for an apology or even an explanation. (Emphasis added.)

In other words, if you doubt the official fairy tale – as millions of Americans do – Rep. King considers you a peddler of “vile remarks.” You may be the subject of a future House “investigation” that doubles for a witch hunt or inquisition.

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It is not strictly Muslims the government has targeted for failure to buy into the absurd nonsense that Arab cave dwellers made NORAD stand down and suspended the law of physics on September 11, 2001.

The term “white al-Qaeda” was created for a specific reason.


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