Tonight’s Conspiracy Theory to expose toxins in water, population control motives and water privatization schemes worldwide; Premieres FRIDAY, DEC. 3 AT 10 PM EST/ 9 PM CST

Aaron Dykes
December 3, 2010

As producer Michael Braverman announced yesterday, what was once an episode just dealing with schemes to profit off the Great Lakes has now expanded into a startling exposé of the dangerous toxins being added to our water by design. Now known as the “Worldwide Water Conspiracy,” tonight’s episode of Conspiracy Theory with Gov. Jesse Ventura will take on water privatization, false scarcity profit schemes, the effects of fluoride, lithium and uranium in drinking water and much more. “WORLDWIDE WATER CONSPIRACY” PREMIERES TONIGHT, FRIDAY DEC. 3 AT 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST.

Scarcity, perceived or real, drives the value of commodities, and many people say water is the next oil. The Great Lakes consist of more than 20% of Earth’s surface fresh water, but the levels are dropping. Some streams and groundwater sources have already dried up, and a shortage of clean drinking water could prove to be one of the 21st Century’s greatest bubbles.

Now, Gov. Ventura’s investigation reveals that foreign companies are stealing water from the Great Lakes, imposing upon one of the American public’s greatest assets. Already, the scale of schemes to privatize water and make big profit on a clear necessity are astounding. The TruTV team has learned that the Nestle Corporation is one of the firms tapping this water to sell in bottled water and other products. Moreover, it has circumvented public access points to the lakes by stashing its pumps 12 miles away from the shore of Lake Michigan– in a private game preserve where no one can see them and little scrutiny is likely to arise.

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Moreover, Ventura has uncovered a novel way of siphoning this “blue gold.” Giant floating water bags have been implemented to create huge “water trains” and profiteers are using them to ship America’s fresh water to foreign countries like China. If the multinational corporations are not stopped, they’ll take our “champagne water” and leave us to drink the toilet water. Think it can’t happen here? In countries like Bolivia, where private companies have taken control of the water, ordinary people have already had to protest against the police state in order to simply collect rainwater for basic needs. Now, the right to collect rainwater has been challenged here in the United States as well.

But the Conspiracy Theory episode stumbles upon an even greater danger lurking in the water. Testing shows that numerous deadly toxins have been found in the majority of America’s tap water, and it’s no accident. Could population control through forced mass medication in water be underway? This form of control was discussed in sitting-White House Science Czar John P. Holdren’s book Ecoscience as far back as 1977.

The team learns that male birth rates are dropping all over the world. To find out why, Ventura & co. speak with radiation exposure expert Leuren Moret who drops the bombshell that uranium– yes uranium— is found in our drinking water and is triggering a mass-feminization in the population via a hormonal-chemical assault. The New York Times reported in 2009 that some 49 million Americans are drinking water contaminated with chemicals like arsenic or radioactive substances like uranium. Further, in 2010, the State of Texas was caught covering up dangerous and illegal levels of uranium in its water supplies that can cause cell mutations and cancer. Other chemicals including fluoride further raise suspicions about who is controlling what goes into our bodies, and why.

There is every reason to believe that Big Brother wants ordinary Americans calm and docile, unable to resist their system. Is that why government experts and leading bio-ethicists are advocating adding dose amounts of lithium to municipal water districts? Lithium is commonly to used to sedate patients suffering from bi-polar disorder, and the agenda has been put forward ostensibly to reduce suicides in the population. However, issuing a mass dose to the population is not only dangerous, as the amount affects people differently, but a form of true medical tyranny.

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These issues and other aspects of the over-arching Eugenics agenda have been covered in films like Alex Jones’ Endgame, but never before has any such exposé warning the public about the full-on chemical war being waged against them been seen on television.

Don’t take this programming for granted. As we have already reported today, powerful forces have targeted the show from behind the scenes, and other episodes like “Police State” are already being suppressed and censored. Please support this show, get everyone you know to tune in and make sure that this platform for informing the populace is used to the fullest.

From TruTV:

“Great Lakes” – NEW! — a.k.a. “Worldwide Water Conspiracy”
Premieres Fri, December 3 at 10P
They call it “Blue Gold.” Water is the new oil. Once a human right, it’s now a valuable commodity, and corporations and super-rich oil dynasties are believed to be buying up water rights, controlling nations and populations. Jesse looks into the possibility of these activities finding their way to American shores and uncovers what may be a plot to literally steal the Great Lakes.

Michael Braverman: “Worldwide Water Conspiracy” – Part 1/2

Michael Braverman: “Worldwide Water Conspiracy” – Part 2/2

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