Kurt Nimmo
October 9, 2010

On Friday, Glenn Beck announced on his radio show that he will be taking a brief leave of absence for medical reasons. “There is something wrong with my voice, and we’re not sure what it is,” Beck said, according to a transcript on his website. “They’re going to be doing CAT scans and MREs or MRIs and PET scans and they’re going to be doing blood work like crazy.”

As a Mormon, Beck is forbidden to drink coffee, but he drinks a large amount of Diet Coke.

In July, the Fox News host admitted that he is suffering from macular dystrophy, an eye disorder that causes vision loss. “Yes, I have a problem with my eyes,” Beck told an audience of 6,000 in Salt Lake City. “A couple of weeks ago, I went to the doctor because I can’t focus my eyes … So I went to the best doctor I could find… he did all kinds of tests, and he said I have macular dystrophy.”

Glenn Beck may not know it, but it is almost certain he is another victim of Rumsfeld Plague. On September 29, the New York Times published a long article about Beck. “His Mormonism forbids coffee, but he consumes a lot of Diet Coke and chocolate,” writes Mark Leibovich.

Coca-Cola began putting the “sugar substitute” aspartame in Diet Coke in 1982. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious including seizures and death.

In 1999, the Independent on Sunday discovered that the maker of aspartame, Monsanto, uses genetically engineered bacteria to produce the “sweetener” at its U.S. production plants. Aspartame is made by combining phenylalanine, which is naturally produced by bacteria, with another amino acid. To make the bacteria produce more phenylalanine, Monsanto has genetically engineered them. “Increasingly, chemical companies are using genetically engineered bacteria in their manufacturing process without telling the public,” said Dr. Erik Millstone, of the Science Policy Research Unit at Sussex University, and a member of the National Food Alliance, told the newspaper.

Here’s what Glenn Beck needs to know — aspartame is linked to blindness. It is made up of 50% phenylalanine, 40% aspartic acid and 10% methyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol inevitably affects vision. Back when the government imposed prohibition on the country, thousands of people went blind due to the use of wood alcohol/methanol in spirits.

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The late Dr. Morgan Raiford, a specialist in methanol toxicity, warned about the danger of blindness associated with the consumption of aspartame. “This product [NutraSweet] has some highly toxic reactions in the human visual pathway and we are beginning to observe the tragic damage to the optic nerve, such as blindness, partial to total optic nerve atrophy. Once this destructive process has developed there is no return of visual restoration,” Raiford wrote in an aspartame factsheet. “When this drug enters the digestive tract, largely the upper portion [the] aspartame molecule spins off a by product known as methanol or methyl-alcohol.”

Methanol “is an extremely powerful neurotoxin. It can produce blindness, it can produce cellular destruction in the brain and spinal cord in particular the optic nerves that has to do with our vision,” the neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock explained during a radio interview. In his book, Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life, Dr. Blaylock discusses a study explaining why diabetics who drink large amounts of aspartame drinks are more likely to go blind. Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness.

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In addition to blindness, a report produced by the Department of Health and Human Services lists over 90 symptoms related to aspartame, including: migraine headaches, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain. The following chronic illnesses are triggered or worsened by ingesting aspartame: Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes.

It is now estimated that over 6,000 food and drink products worldwide contain aspartame. “You might be surprised to learn about some of the foods you consume that contain aspartame. Besides the obvious products like diet sodas, there are many brands of chewing gum that contain aspartame. Most non-fat diet foods contain an amount of aspartame and the same goes for most sugar-free candy,” reports the FoodFacts website. Many brands of cereal, ice cream, yogurt, iced tea, powdered power drinks, nutritional bars, pudding, vegetable drinks, and many more food products contain aspartame.

In addition to neurologic, psychologic, eye, endocrine, and metabolic problems associated with aspartame consumption, there is another problem — addiction. “Persons consuming large amounts not only may suffer aspartame disease, but also have difficulty stopping them because of violent and prolonged withdrawal reactions… the hallmark of addiction,” writes H. J. Roberts, M.D., of St. Mary’s Hospital and Good Samaritan Hospital in West Palm Beach. “Recovered alcoholic patients repeatedly stated that they felt worse after avoiding aspartame than alcohol, and asserted that they had traded one addiction for another.”

It is dangerous to kick aspartame addiction cold turkey. Doctors and nutritionists recommend a 30 day regime of slowly eliminating the toxin from the body.

Earlier this year, Glenn Beck talked about eugenics on his show, but he only scratched the surface. There is a mountain of evidence confirming that the globalists are cynical eugenicists. They are now using food as a soft kill weapon to reduce the population of the planet.

“People the world over, but especially in the United States are under chemical attack,” Alex Jones and Aaron Dykes wrote in July. “Deadly and dangerous toxins ranging from aspartame to fluoride, GMO, mercury-tainting, pesticides, cross-species chimeras, plastic compounds in chicken, high fructose corn syrup, cloned meat, rBGH and new aggressive GM species of salmon have all entered into our diets and environments — whether we want it or not.”

Food is a weapon and Glenn Beck is a victim.

Glenn Beck routinely attracts millions of viewers every week. If he understands his medical problems may be directly linked to aspartame and he informs his audience of this, it will be a major victory for truth and a massive defeat for the elite eugenicists and their long held plan to not only enslave humanity, but reduce its numbers significantly.

Alex Jones contributed to this report.

UPDATE: Glenn Beck radio show sidekicks Pat Gray and Stu Burguiere laugh away dangers of aspartame despite Beck’s own listeners urging Fox News personality to ditch sodas in bid to cure his poor eyesight. Read Beck Sidekicks Attempt To Debunk Diet Coke Controversy.

UPDATE: We are receiving reports that while Glenn Beck was out of town for medical treatment, his fill in host made a sardonic joke about the health dangers of drinking coca-cola. To remind everyone that this is a serious issue and not a joke – here’s Glenn Beck’s own Fox News reporting on how aspartame in Diet Coca Cola and other food products has been linked to a “wide range of cancers” in studies involving rats. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,176258,00.html

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