Michael Muskal
L.A. Times
July 13, 2010
Six New Orleans police officers were charged in connection with the deadly confrontation on the Danziger Bridge in the days after Hurricane Katrina left New Orleans in turmoil, the Justice Department announced on Tuesday.
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In the indictment unsealed on Tuesday, the government accused four officers of shooting unarmed people on the bridge. The four and two supervisors were accused of trying to cover up the incident. Two people died and four were wounded in the shootings.
“As our investigation of the Danziger Bridge incident shows, the Justice Department will vigorously pursue anyone who allegedly violated the law,” Atty. Gen. Eric Holder said in a prepared statement. “Put simply, we will not tolerate wrongdoing by those who have sworn to protect the public.”
According to the indictment, Sgts. Robert Gisevius and Kenneth Bowen, and officers Anthony Villavaso and Robert Faulcon were charged in the shootings. They and Sgts. Arthur Kaufman and Gerard Dugue were accused of helping to obstruct justice in the subsequent investigations.
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