A bombshell is about to drop regarding US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s sex life, highly influential media figure Matt Drudge promised Saturday.
A tweet sent by the reclusive, but prominent journalist featuring a picture from Hillary’s Friday appearance on Ellen was captioned, “Oh, on the sex stuff. Hillary is about to get hers…”
Drudge’s reference to “sex stuff” pertains to the massive media onslaught attempting to depict Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as a sexual deviant, while the same media willfully ignores the past sex abuses of former President Bill Clinton.
Drudge knows a thing or two about the Clintons’ sex lives. His website DrudgeReport.com was the first to expose Bill Clinton’s affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky – after the magazine Newsweek decided to kill the story – ultimately leading to congressional hearings and the president’s shameful impeachment.
Considering the image tweeted and Drudge’s previous inquiries about the former First Lady’s “lovers,” it’s highly likely the forthcoming bombshell could revolve around Hillary’s rumored alternative homosexual lifestyle.
Last year Drudge visited the Infowars studio and questioned why media outlets were suppressing rumors of Hillary’s lesbian affairs.
Comment starts around 8:29.
“Where I’ve had a lot of success is I’m getting people from both sides of the aisle,” Drudge said. “They’ve always said, ‘oh, he’s a right-wing gossip monger,’ mainly because of Lewinsky and those years–which, by the way, are back.”
“Why aren’t we seeing Hillary’s lovers? … Where’s the coverup on this?” Drudge highlighted. “So many issues that are suppressed on a daily basis.”
The former secretary of state, currently running for president despite being embroiled in a slew of scandals, has been accused frequently in the past of homosexual activity.
In 2013, Gennifer Flowers, reportedly “one of the most high profile mistresses in America,” told the UK’s Daily Mail about the time she’d spent with former President Bill Clinton, who allegedly confided in her that “Hillary was bisexual and he didn’t care.”
“I don’t know Huma or the Weiners,” Flowers said, referring to two Clinton confidants. “I just know what Bill told me and that was that he was aware that Hillary was bisexual and he didn’t care. He should know.”
“He said Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had,” Flowers claimed.
During an appearance on the Alex Jones Show in June, legendary Clinton insider Larry Nichols, who was at one time appointed marketing director for the Arkansas Development Finance Authority by then Governor Bill Clinton, also claimed Hillary had “had more women than [Bill] had.”
“It was hard enough to cover up for the affairs of Bill, but it was extremely difficult to cover up for Hillary and her lesbian affairs,” Nichols told Jones. “And it was tough and she was tough. She’s a butch.”
Nichols also described an instance in which Secret Service agents at the White House heard commotion emanating from the upstairs living quarters, and entered the room to find Hillary in bed with Night Court actress Markie Post.
“They were in bed together and Bill pulled up a chair and wanted to watch and Hillary was throwing ashtrays and laughs at him,” Nichols claimed. “That’s the sicko people we call the Clintons.”
Also last year, The National Enquirer also claimed the reason Hillary deleted her emails was because they were “packed full of lesbian references and her lovers’ names.”
“The ENQUIRER learned the list of Hillary’s lesbian lovers includes a beauty in her early 30s who has often traveled with Hillary; a popular TV and movie star; the daughter of a top government official; and a stunning model who got a career boost after allegedly sleeping with Hillary,” the gossip site reported in April.
“Hillary made the huge mistake of mixing public and private messages while using her personalized email server – before risking a massive scandal by refusing to make the documents public,” an unnamed source reportedly told the Enquirer.
Given Drudge’s reputation of being a major headache for the Clintons, the bombshell is sure to have a catastrophic effect on Hillary’s White House bid.
Also, watch: Woman Claims Hillary Sexually Abused Her – For close to 3 decades, Cathleen Ann O’Brien has said that Hillary clinton raped her in a satanic ritual. When Alex Jones met Kathy 20 years ago, he wasn’t aware of the fact that secret societies still operated. Just like in modern day urban gangs, you have to commit a crime to be accepted in to the fold.
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