Former British Conservative Party Member of Parliament and “right wing” blogger Louise Mensch privately tried to assist the Hillary Clinton campaign, emails published by Wikileaks reveal.
Mrs. Mensch runs the Rupert Murdoch-backed blog Heat Street, which claims to stand against identity politics and what it labels “social justice warriors” under the slogan “no safe spaces.”
However, its editor in chief, Mrs. Mensch, was caught writing a campaign advertisement script for the Democratic candidate – a woman who has traded off identity politics and social justice warrior politics. The ad appears to be based on the idea that Mrs. Clinton should be in office simply because she is female and is supported by “multiracial” women.
“… much rather have your girl Hillary,” Mrs. Mensch wrote in an email to Michael Kives of Creative Arts Agency (CAA), a former Clinton campaign advocate.
She said Hillary’s “intelligence [is] beyond doubt” but argued she “is not capitalizing on the yearning that we have to see a woman as President,” before scripting the campaign ad named “OUR TIME.”
A succession of mostly young women, a few old women, one with a baby daughter, multiracial and multi-occupation, to include a nurse and a woman in uniform of some kind where permitted…
one after the other, smiling and looking to camera and saying ‘It’s our time.’
and the last woman says, ‘It’s our time. I’m with her.’
fade to banner credit ‘Hillary 2016’
“That would be inspirational, aspirational, and the kind of riff you really need on ‘Yes we can’,” concluded Mrs. Mensch.
Her e-mail was forwarded by Mr. Kives to the Hillary Clinton campaign, as well campaign chairman John Podesta.
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