California Governor Jerry Brown took advantage of the Fourth of July holiday and the San Bernardino and Orlando attacks to sign into law a raft of laws rolling back the Second Amendment rights of citizens in the Golden State.

“My goal in signing these bills is to enhance public safety by tightening our existing laws in a responsible and focused manner, while protecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners,” Brown wrote in a statement.

Law-abiding gun owners will now have to endure background checks when they purchase ammunition. Brown also outlawed the sale of semiautomatic rifles equipped with bullet buttons allowing ammunition magazines to be detached and replaced. Additionally, the governor outlawed family members from loaning firearms to close relatives.

Brown’s move came on the heels of 12 laws passed in the state on Thursday.

“We are proving to the rest of the nation as well as the rest of the world that we are ready to act,” said Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, a Democrat from Los Angeles.

The legislature approved a bill expanding a six-month-old program permitting courts to restrict the Second Amendment for people with potential mental health problems. Brown vetoed that particular bill on Friday. He also vetoed a law making the theft of a firearm a grand larceny and another limiting the sale of rifles and shotguns to one per month.

“Gov. Jerry Brown today signed a Draconian gun control package that turns California’s law-abiding gun owners into second-class citizens,” said Amy Hunter, California spokesperson for the National Rifle Association.

“The Legislature’s manic attack on law-abiding gun owners, democracy, and the legislative process jeopardizes not only civil rights but public respect for the law and our governmental institutions,” Craig DeLuz, a lobbyist for the Second Amendment advocacy group Firearms Policy Coalition, said in a statement.

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