Kurt Nimmo
June 26, 2008

Lib netroots, that is to say “progressive” Dem bloggers and social networkers, are disappointed over Barack Obama’s support for the so-called FISA bill, more accurately described as a concerted effort to kill the Fourth Amendment and usher in the snoop and control grid.

Barack Obama’s core support comes from the bankers and the financial elite — Goldman Sachs, UBS AG, Lehman Brothers, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse — and his top advisor is none other than Zbigniew Brzezinski. His wife is CFR. It looks like he went to the Bilderberg confab in Chantilly.  

“When former Sen. John Edwards dropped out of the presidential race, the progressive Netroots took their affections to Barack Obama, defending him against attack from Hillary Rodham Clinton and others,” reports Politico. “But with his support of a government surveillance bill that offers retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies — a bill that he vowed last year to filibuster — the honeymoon has ended.”

Obama didn’t really mean it, same as he didn’t mean he’d reconsider NAFTA. He’s a politician, after all, and generally speaking politicians tell the mob what they want to hear in order to garner votes and then, on the day after the election, go back on their promises. Of course NAFTA will not be “renegotiated” and corporations will not be held liable for conspiring with the government to undermine the Fourth Amendment. Our globalist rulers are in the process of slowly but surely turning the planet into a slave labor gulag and high-tech police state and Obama and McCain are dutifully on-script, they get their marching orders and talking points from on-high.

Unfortunately, leftish Democrats and other such “progressives” are unable to realize this simple enough fact. Carrie Budoff Brown writes for Politico:

Disappointed over his position on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the online activists feel jilted and betrayed and have taken to questioning his progressive credentials. One prominent blogger, Atrios, has even given him the moniker “Wanker of the Day.”

“He broke faith,” said Matt Stoller, a political consultant and blogger at OpenLeft.com. “Obama pledged to filibuster, and he is part of that old politics, in this case, that he said he wasn’t. It will spur us to challenge him.”

It really is astounding how easily the lib Dems are fooled. You’d think they would do their homework, but no.

Barack Obama’s core support comes from the bankers and the financial elite — Goldman Sachs, UBS AG, Lehman Brothers, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse — and his top advisor is none other than Zbigniew Brzezinski. His wife is CFR. It looks like he went to the Bilderberg confab in Chantilly. “Obama will be controlled by Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Trilateralists, in other words Obama will be controlled by David Rockefeller and the Council on Foreign Relations,” I wrote on May 7. “More policies directed by the World Bank, a Trilateral project, as the last six out of seven World Bank presidents have been pulled from the Trilateral Commission, including the neocon Paul Wolfowitz. Actually, when it comes to globalism and imposing a slave and control grid on the whole world, there is little difference between neocons and neolibs.”

For the international bankers and the neolibs, the Fourth Amendment — indeed, the entire Bill of Rights — is little more than an irritating impediment. Lib Dems seem perpetually unable to understand this. But then a large number of their organizations and publications — MoveOn.org, Code Pink, the Nation, the Progressive, Globa Exchange, Mother Jones, Democracy Now, etc. — are funded by the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Soros, et al. The CIA, the CFR, and the Trilateral Commission are at the source of this foundation support. So, quite naturally the lib Dems are like babes in the woods and their disappointment is entirely dismissible, even a sick joke.

If you listen real hard, you can hear the Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again” playing just beneath these ludicrous lamentations.

“The FISA debate marks the presumptive Democratic nominee’s first serious break from the liberal Netroots in the general election. He is still their candidate, but the FISA issue has reignited skepticism among major bloggers, who had largely pushed aside doubts about Obama when Edwards, their favored candidate, ended his bid in February.”

Indeed, he is still their candidate — and will be all the way to November.

In other words, the lib Dems, the “progressives” who support Obama, are as much to blame for killing the Fourth and the Bill of Rights as the neocons. Let’s hold them responsible for enslaving humanity. Let’s not dismiss their habitual naivety. Because, at the end of the day, when you turn them upside down, they are all shills for the New World Order, even if they are foolishly ignorant of this fact.

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