Judi McLeod
Canada Free Press
March 5, 2010

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
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When the global elite had perfected their world stage by making Barry Soetoro their main star to bring down the United States of America, were they planning ObamaCare in time for Easter 2010?

Dates are significant to the One World Order cabal, and now Easter Sunday will join Christmas Eve as the countdown to the Health Care bill.

Pompous, self-important and power-crazed global PoohBahs don’t stop to consider that bunnies everywhere won’t duck as Puppet Obama takes aim and fires at the population of the United States of America.

Obama lacks the courage to tell it like it is; that he can have the Dems pass his Health bill any old day; that if it couldn’t be done on Christmas Eve, for symbolism Easter’s even better.

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