Kurt Nimmo
January 18, 2010

The BATF engaged in mafia tactics in running a criminal conspiracy to shut down a gun show in Austin Texas, the Alex Jones Show heard Monday, direct from the man embroiled at the center of the Obama administration’s latest savage attack on the second amendment.

holder obama
The Obama administration is the most anti-Second Amendment administration is U.S. history.

Following the staged arrest of a man by the Austin Police — subsequently released without charge — the BATF pressured lease holders HEB to shut down the oldest gun show in central Texas.

As revealed Monday on The Alex Jones Show, the BATF called the original meeting regarding the gun show and used threats and intimidation to shut down the event.

Darwin Boedeker of Texas Gun Shows provided details of the criminal conspiracy by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (abbreviated ATF) and the Austin police to shut down the show last week.

On Thursday, January 14, Mr. Boedeker was asked to meet with representatives of the ATF and Austin police at a building in Austin used for police interviews and interrogations. In addition to Boedeker, the two hour meeting included the participation of HEB, an Austin grocery retailer. HEB holds the lease on the building where the Texas Gun Shows events are held on the third week of every month.

Police, under the direction of ATF, told Boedeker he would be required to follow their “recommendations” or they would close down his event. Boedeker said he was told “you do what we say or we shut you down.” He said the ultimatum was recorded by the police and ATF.

Mr. Boedeker indicated enforcing the ATF recommendations would destroy his business. He said he would not issue a public notice unless it indicated the so-called recommendations were issued by the Austin Police and the ATF.

In order to make their case, the ATF and APD cited numerous alleged criminal cases associated with a previous gun show organizer. Mr. Boedeker said the ATF and APD did not seem aware that he is not associated with previous gun show events at the location.

Boedeker said he is far down on the “totem pole” of gun show events and he believes this is why the police under the direction of the ATF engaged in criminal racketeering against him.

Boedeker’s flier issued under government coercion and the demand of the event center building lease holder states:

“At the direction of the Austin Police Department and the The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms anyone selling a firearm at this show location will be asked to comply with the following: 1. Any person selling a personal firearm must go through a licensed FFL Dealer in the show to transfer the firearm to the new owner. 2. Selling of Firearms in the parking lot will not be permitted. Thank you for your cooperation!”

Police officers dressed in street clothes attended the event and watched participants, according to Boedeker. The police admitted to him they are interested in forcing gun shows to provide background checks on buyers.

Alex Jones noted on his show that he has attended guns shows at the venue since he was in high school.

Listeners to the Alex Jones Show should be aware that this backhanded tactic or similar tactics used by the ATF will be used at the behest of the Obama administration to shut down legal gun shows in other states. The Obama administration is the most anti-Second Amendment administration is U.S. history.

Congressional Democrats and their Constitution-hating allies have proposed two bills in an attempt to shut down gun shows. The Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2009 (H.R. 2324) was introduced in the House by the notorious gun-grabber Carolyn McCarthy of New York. Senator Frank Lautenberg introduced similar legislation, the Gun Show Background Check Act of 2009 (S. 843), in the U.S. Senate. As of October 2009, the House version of the bill had 35 co-sponsors (mostly Democrats) and the Senate version had 15 co-sponsors, all Democrats.

Obama’s top cop, Eric Holder, is a gun-grabber’s dream come true. “As Deputy Attorney General, Holder was a strong supporter of restrictive gun control. He advocated federal licensing of handgun owners, a three day waiting period on handgun sales, rationing handgun sales to no more than one per month, banning possession of handguns and so-called ‘assault weapons’ (cosmetically incorrect guns) by anyone under age of 21, a gun show restriction bill that would have given the federal government the power to shut down all gun shows, national gun registration, and mandatory prison sentences for trivial offenses (e.g., giving your son an heirloom handgun for Christmas, if he were two weeks shy of his 21st birthday),” David Kopel wrote in 2008.


New Jersey Democrat senator Frank R. Lautenberg said last June he planned to introduce legislation designed to cancel the Second Amendment rights of well over a million U.S. citizens. “Mr. Lautenberg plans to introduce legislation on Monday that would give the attorney general the discretion to block gun sales to people on terror watch lists,” the New York Times reported on June 20, 2009. The federal terror watch list contains over a million names.

As a state senator in Illinois, Obama supported a number of laws and regulations designed to restrict and outlaw firearms. Obama supports the CIFTA Gun Treaty. Last year, in meetings with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Obama promised to urge the U.S. Senate to pass the international arms control treaty. Under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, international legal obligations are superior rank to national law. The treaty would impose the most draconian gun laws in U.S. history.

The Obama administration and its Marxist czars (the sort of Marxism created and supported by the banksters) and policy makers are on the march and they will not be satisfied until they outlaw and confiscate all firearms from law-abiding Americans.

Now is the time to become politically involved. Find out where your representatives stand on so-called gun control and especially their stand on local gun shows and sales of legal firearms between individuals. If they are gun-grabbing Democrats and their spineless Republican confederates, work to get them out of office. Expose them for the Second Amendment traitors they are.

Become aware of ATF activity in your state and the complicity of local law enforcement. Only through awareness and political action can we save our Constitution and Second Amendment from the claws of the New World Order and its long-stated goal to disarm the public and impose a globalist dictatorship. They fear an armed and informed public. Make sure they remain afraid.

If we blow this covert op in Texas off and do nothing, we can expect more of the same around the country. Don’t embolden the ATF and the Obama administration. Get active today or lose your right to defend yourself against criminals and a predatory government.

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