A transgender father who abandoned his seven children to start a new life as a “6-year-old girl” is being celebrated by some liberals as a shining example of diversity.
46-year-old Stefonknee (pronounced ‘Stephanie’) Wolschtt is being profiled by numerous media outlets after he/she/xe revealed her story in a video interview for The Transgender Project.
Wolschtt is now dressing up and pretending to be a 6-year-old girl with her adopted family after being given an ultimatum by her ex-wife, who said she had to “stop being trans or leave”.
Wolschtt chose to abandon her 23-year marriage along with her seven kids and is now fulfilling her role as “little sister” to her new parents’ youngest granddaughter.
If you are having trouble trying to understand this insanity, don’t worry, the video below will help clear things up.
“I have an adopted Mommy and Daddy who are totally comfortable with me being a little girl and their children and their grandchildren are totally supportive,” said Wolschtt, who originally decided to be 8-years-old but then changed to being 6-years-old so she could be the youngest.
“We have a great time, we color, we do kids stuff – it’s called play therapy,” said Wolschtt.
The clip has received over 160,000 views, but feedback is overwhelmingly negative, while comments have been completely disabled.
Several liberals reacted by expressing support for Wolschtt and celebrating her story.
I am writing to you @Stefonknee.
You may not remember but I want you to know you're loved by so
many people. pic.twitter.com/BcfJL6PU10
— Justin Preston (@JustinPrestonn) December
8, 2015
I am sorry to see your reputation and very life debated like this.
Ugly to see, ugly to take part in. As Kate says, #StayAlive
— Scott Dagostino (@scottdagostino) December
9, 2015
please don't let online bullies dampen your wonderful spirit.
Block them!
— K. Fox (@louisa_faux) December
6, 2015
Wolschtt herself reacted to critics by vowing to take on “haters” face to face at a location in Toronto.
#LGBT #Dyke
OK, let's do this any haters want a piece of me be at the statue
in Allen Gardens Toronto at 1pm
— Stef-on-knee Wolscht (@Stefonknee) December
10, 2015
She also called for doxxing people who sent her mean messages on Twitter. Doxxing is where private information about an individual is broadcast on the Internet without the target’s permission, usually with malicious intent.
I need all #Trans
that can help dox #GenderTrender
ppl, to follow @Stefonknee
& DM me & RT all #Gallusmeg
— Stef-on-knee Wolscht (@Stefonknee) December
6, 2015
However, the vast majority of respondents to the Independent article had a very different opinion.
“Aww, it’s so great, what a hero, how brave, fawn, fawn…This is what happens when lunacy is championed by the right-on,” wrote one.
“This is not news, this is a mentally ill person who does not need pandering to but needs psychiatric help,” added another.
Another gay man accused Wolschtt of being an “interloper” and a “fetishist”.
ppl can be #Transphobic
too. #Gay man
"Barndancer61" was really mean to #Trans
woman @Stefonknee today.
— Stef-on-knee Wolscht (@Stefonknee) December
5, 2015
One commenter also made a number of accusations against Wolschtt that – if true – demolish her attempt at framing herself as a victim.
“What this report doesn’t tell you is that this person was charged with assault and abuse of his wife and family. They were awarded a restraining order against him. He has also been convicted of harassment and threatening a a neighbour and being a peeping tom. Also, his arrangement with his “mummy and daddy” is a sexual one. He has waxed lyrically about visiting a fetish club with his daddy and how “girlie” he felt when “daddy” penetrated him for the first time. He is a disturbed, violent individual with a creepy fetish. And commentators think it’s ok for a six year year old girl to be brought into that situation to act as his “playmate” or “sister”? What the heck is wrong with you people. When will you wake up and smell the coffee about what is being pushed as some kind of noble vanguard of “trans rights”?
Given that multi-millionaire fame whore Bruce Jenner was handed a “courage” award by ESPN when he announced he was Caitlyn (no one was ever able to figure out why), surely it’s time for a similar accolade to be bestowed on Wolschtt.
It’s also fascinating how many social justice warriors and feminists, who would normally crucify a man for abandoning his wife and kids, are extremely supportive of Wolschtt simply because she now professes to be a 6-year-old girl.
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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.
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