In a Campaign for Liberty video commentary, Ron Paul reveals that even though up to 20 Democrats opposed the controversial climate bill, they voted for it anyway, underscoring once again how the vast majority of Congress members are bought and paid for by the elite in Washington.
The Congressman points out that the eight Republicans who voted for the bill did so in order to provide political cover for the Democrats. Even if those Republicans had not defected, some of the 44 Democrats who voted against the bill would have changed their votes anyway to ensure the bill’s passage.
“One Democrat talked to me, a friend of mine,” said Paul, “and I said how are you going to vote on this bill and he said I’m going to vote for the bill but then he sort of whispered and he said, but I sure hope it doesn’t pass.”
Asked why he was voting for a bill that he actually opposed, the Democrat responded, “yeah I have to do that.”
“I said are there any other Democrats that are going to be voting for it and they really don’t like the bill, and he said, oh yeah about 15 or 20 of them,” added Paul.
This underlines how Washington is completely corrupt at its core and how, even if individual members of Congress oppose a bill, they vote for it anyway just to satisfy the agenda of the elite and maintain the status quo.
If the 15 or 20 Democrats who opposed the bill had actually voted against it, the bill would have failed and America would not be facing another great depression, a massive lowering of living standards, and the complete regulation of every aspect of our lives, all of which the climate bill will grease the skids for.
Writing on the Campaign for Liberty website, Congressman Paul states that the climate bill will “put another nail in the economy’s coffin”.
Paul compares the carbon trading scam, a system that is owned and will benefit to the tune of billions or even trillions of dollars long time environmental hysterics like Al Gore and Maurice Strong, to how the Catholic Church sold indulgences to sinners from the 10th century onwards.
The Congressman illustrates how the Obama administration has cited Spain as an example of how a “progressive energy policy” can be successful, when in fact Spain is in economic turmoil partly as a result of this very policy.
“The administration has pointed to Spain as a shining example of this type of progressive energy policy. Spain has been massively diverting capital from the private sector into politically favored environmental projects for the better part of a decade, and many in Washington apparently like what they see. However, under no circumstances should anyone serious about economic recovery emulate an economy that is now approaching 20 percent unemployment, where every green job created, eliminated 2.2 real jobs and cost around $800,000 each!”
“The real inconvenient truth is that the cost of government regulations, taxes, fees, red tape and bureaucracy is a considerable expense that has to be considered when companies decide where to do business and how many people they can afford to hire. Increasing governmental burden directly causes capital flight and job losses, as Spain has learned. In this global economy its easy enough for businesses to relocate to countries that are more politically friendly to economic growth. If our government continues to kick the economy while its down, it will be a long time before it gets back up. In fact, jobs are much more likely to go overseas, compounding our problems.”
Paul concludes by pointing out that the climate bill is based around the manufactured threat of global warming and that even if one accepts the premise that CO2 emissions cause significant temperature increases, the biggest polluters, the U.S. government and specifically the U.S. military, will be exempt from most of the new EPA regulations anyway.
Watch the clip of the Congressman’s comments below.
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