Jennifer Harper
Washington Times
July 11, 2009

Jon Voight, a silver-screen conservative who considers the final speech of George Washington bedside reading [blasted President Obama’s phony change]:

“The people who voted for President Obama are just beginning to wake up to exactly what they brought in. The ‘change’ they envisioned is not the ‘change’ they have gotten.” Mr. Voight said. He likens the Obama administration to a Hollywood script, rife with technique and craft, very compelling but not necessarily real.

“It is a very, very slick, relentless campaign to build Obama as the answer to all our needs. They know what people want and they give it in a package that can be read off a teleprompter. That’s not what our country is based upon,” Mr. Voight said.

[efoods]”Obama is a very good actor. He knows how to play it. And he is very adept at creating this ‘Obama’ – this character who is there whenever the world needs something,” he said.

“The news media has lied itself out of the business. Now, real accountability journalism. That says it all. That’s what’s been missing so long,” he said. He is vexed by bureaucracy, big government and soft-peddling by political correctness. “This lie of political correctness is bringing this country down. You just want to break through it all.”

To current audiences, he may be best known as the father of Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie. But he has raised his profile, not just politically, with a major small-screen role as Jonas Hodges in the current season of Fox’s “24.”


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