Former Congressman and Libertarian icon Ron Paul warned last night that the GOP takeover of the Senate and increased stronghold on the House will only embolden interventionist foreign policy.

Dr Paul took to Twitter to prescribe a straight up shot of reality, and warn those celebrating the downfall of Democratic power, that there will be no real change in philosophy in Washington.

Alluding to victories for more hawkish Republicans over their Democratic counterparts in the Senate, Paul did not mince his words, warning that an expansion of war will likely be on the cards.

The former Congressman also slammed the notion that voting is all that matters, saying that Americans should be more wary of how they vote at strategic times.

Turning to economic policy, the former Congressman then suggested that a GOP controlled Senate under Mitch McConnell look to revive and pass their version of Paul’s “Audit the Fed” legislation.

Finally, Paul pointed out that the election was telling, but it was not as important as the grassroots continuing to push liberty, alluding to the old saying “ideas are bulletproof”.

In an earlier appearance on RT, Paul denounced the two party monopoly state, noting “This whole idea that a good candidate that’s rating well in the polls can’t get in the debate, that’s where the corruption really is.”

“It’s a monopoly…and they don’t even allow a second option,” he added.

“If a third party person gets anywhere along, they are going to do everything they can to stop that from happening.”


Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.

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