Mike Adams
Natural News
Monday, April 16, 2012
Knock knock, says the lady at the door. “Who’s there?” replies the U.S. Secret Service supervisor. “The girl you were banging last night. I want my $47 or I’m gonna start screaming.” Such was the situation that unfolded last week in Colombia and has now exploded into a global media nightmare for the U.S. government. Remarkably, the U.S. government agent refused to pay the $47 until things got far, far worse.

What’s behind all this? U.S. government “officials” are so used to screwing over the American people without any repercussions that they apparently thought they could screw nearly a dozen Colombian whores and get away with not paying for it. This is the scandal breaking nationwide right now as U.S. Secret Service agents and even top military officials have been ensnared in a prostitution scandal that all started with a Colombian whore not being paid $47.
Doesn’t that just capture the essence of arrogance? You can almost see the Secret Service agents in that Colombian hotel, screaming, “Screw you, whore! I’m with the U.S. government! We do what we want!”
Forty-seven dollars seems reasonable, wouldn’t you say? After all, the American people get screwed by government employees every day and we have to pay THEM to keep screwing us! (TSA, FDA, DEA, etc.)
So after not getting paid, this Colombia prostitute started banging on the walls of the hotel and screaming about how she didn’t get paid her $47. Astonishingly, this cascaded into a national news phenomenon, headlined on Drudge and now being picked up everywhere. In reading all this news, you’ll learn how 11 Secret Service agents were slamming alcohol and banging whores, and then showing up for work and pretending to protect the President.
As the NY Post reports:
“One of 11 elite agents assigned to ensure President Obama’s protection at a summit meeting in Cartagena, Colombia, was busted after his lady of the evening refused to leave his hotel room in the morning without her fee. That woman was one of 11 hookers hired by the agents — and the only one who hadn’t left Cartagena’s swank Hotel Caribe, where White House staffers, members of the press and dignitaries are staying during the Summit of the Americas meeting, sources said.”(http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/ho_lombia_twist_4oMCMx8CRf…)
So what’s wrong with top U.S. government agents banging Colombian whores while protecting the President? Aside from the obvious moral issues, there’s the tactical reality that this is the perfect way to get set up for a successful assassination on the President. It’s not even hard to imagine how that might go down: One of the hookers turns out to be a foreign agent who takes photos of the Secret Service supervisor getting his jollies off on a Colombian whore, then she uses those photos to blackmail the agent into allowing her special access to a presidential speaking engagement, and at that event she carries out an assassination of some sort. This is the kind of risk these Secret Service agents exposed the President to.
Again, that this even took place over a $47 whore is just the height of arrogance in the U.S. government. And it’s only the beginning…
GSA employees mock taxpayers while blowing their cash in Vegas
Federal GSA employees have been caught wasting so much taxpayer money that they have actually recorded rap songs and staged $800,000+ “conferences” in Las Vegas where the top activity probably involves whores as well. See one such video at:
and another here:
These GSA rappers were even given GSA awards where the entire audience of GSA contractors could hardly stop laughing about how much taxpayer money they were wasting at the event.
As Washington Post reports:
“The senior official at the center of the General Services Administration’s Las Vegas spending scandal is now facing a possible Justice Department criminal investigation into theft, contracting improprieties and other violations. GSA Inspector General Brian Miller, who documented excessive spending on entertainment, food and travel to the $823,000 training conference, this week asked the Department of Justice to consider criminal charges against organizer Jeffrey E. Neely, congressional sources and other government officials familiar with the referral said.”
Another article worth reading on this:
TSA employees are thieves, pedophiles, pimps and drug dealers
On top of all this, here is a factual statement: TSA employees are thieves, pedophiles, pimps and drug dealers. Yes, they’ve actually been caught red-handed doing all those things!
We see the news almost every day — another TSA agent caught distributing child porn (http://www.naturalnews.com/030787_child_pornography_TSA_agents.html), or stealing iPads out of luggage (http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/04/13/3882741/tsa-inspector-accused…) or strip-searching elderly citizens. It’s all just sickening, arrogant and is yet another sign of the total, runaway arrogance of federal employees who have turned into a band of criminal tyrants.
Meanwhile, Janet Napolitano runs telescreen propaganda messages that urge you tospy on your fellow citizens!Oh, right, because CITIZENS are the problem, not government. You got that right: People are the problem! Government is the solution! Government is honest! Worship government and spy on your neighbors!
Your tax dollars hard at work supporting the perverted habits of child porn collectors and whore bangers
Folks, the real problem we have in this world is too much government. It’s getting out of control, and these tyrants are now so arrogant that they are actually using your tax dollars to support their perverted lifestyles of banging whores in Colombia, running child prostitution rings (CPS), manufacturing meth street drugs (TSA), stealing citizens’ property (more TSA) and engaging in the sexual groping of innocent travelers. Remember, the $47 the U.S. Secret Service agent refused to pay to that Colombian whore was $47 in taxpayer dollars paid to him through a government salary.
This is the government that claims to “serve” your interests. Yeah, right. The only service taking place is the servicing of top government employees by prostitutes in Colombia, Vegas and who knows where else. This is the truth of how your government “leaders” actually see themselves — as an untouchable upper class of alcohol-chugging partiers, sex maniacs, child molesters and “we take what we want” thieves who now believe they rule over the People with impunity.
Meanwhile, the brainwashed sheeple masses bow down to these tyrants, licking their boots and voting for even bigger and more powerful government to come in and solve all their problems.Bigger government is not the answer here. It will only lead to more arrogant government, and sooner or later that always ends up in democide— the mass murder of the People by an out-of-control government that rules over the people with an iron fist (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc.).
Small government is humble government. Small government is safe government. That’s why I highly recommend the latest book by Judge Napolitano, calledIt Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong: The Case for Personal Freedom(http://www.amazon.com/Dangerous-Right-When-Government-Wrong/dp/159555…)
The more I read from Judge Napolitano, the more I agree with his assessment of the problems and his solutions for the future.
And the more I see these federal employees at the GSA, the TSA, or the Secret Service laughing it up and partying all night while they blow taxpayer dollars — or get blown while spending taxpayer dollars — the more I realize a revolution is coming in America— because there’s only so much of this B.S. the American people are willing to put up with. Sooner or later, the jobless, nearly homeless, over-taxed and over-regulated citizen who sees these GSA videos and watches his eight-year-old daughter having her genitals groped by a butch TSA agent just says to himself, “I’ve got nothing left to lose,” and he marches on Washington to demand an end to the out-of-control abuses of government tyranny and power.
When enough people come to that same conclusion, it’s called a revolution, my friends. Let us hope and pray that it will not involve bloodshed. But make no mistake: Unless arrogant government reverses its course, a revolution is inevitable. The People will not put up with these abuses forever.
As JFK famously said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” At the time, he was talking about Latin America. He probably did not realize that barely fifty years later, the United States of America would devolve into a third-world nation of corruption, tyranny, and sexual perversion run rampant throughout the ranks of corrupt government.
Additional sources:
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