Aaron Dykes
January 21, 2011

The first small victory in the campaign to counteract the takeover of America by DHS has been a success with three related Google trends search terms. The next step is up to you.

Three related search terms, ‘V for Victory,’ ‘Occupation of America‘ and ‘you are resistance,’ all reached the top of Google’s hot trends at #1, #2 and #3 respectively, this Friday, January 21, 2011. The terms correlate with a campaign to counteract the total takeover of America through the Department of Homeland Security’s program to bring TSA-like security, bag checks and/or pat downs to malls, sports stadiums, bus and trains stations and other parts of everyday life in the United States. Great job to our listeners and the grassroots campaign now underway for “victory.”

Part and parcel of that campaign for victory includes the contest also launched today by Alex Jones, dubbed The Answer to 1984 is 1776 Contest.

More from Paul Joseph Watson’s article:

You Are The Resistance Against The DHS Occupation Of America [READ]

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
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“Resistance V’s appeared all over the country….The V campaign meant ordinary people could feel they were doing something, however symbolic, to protest against the Occupation.” [The Resistance, by Matthew Cobb.]

America is in peril, the United States is being occupied as Homeland Security launches a total takeover of society and attempts to indoctrinate an army of citizen spies as the country accelerates its slide into banana republic despotism. Americans who can see what is unfolding feel helpless, powerless and overawed by the clear evisceration of their freedoms. The time has come for a massive campaign of powerful, symbolic, peaceful resistance.

The Department of Homeland Security has released a trio of chilling PSA video clips in which ordinary everyday activities are characterized as signs of potential terrorism, with the public being indoctrinated to assume the role of domestic spies reporting on their friends and neighbors as America sinks deeper into a decaying police state. >>>READ FULL ARTICLEFresh food that lasts from eFoodsDirect (AD)

V for Victory campaign

The Alex Jones Show – 1/21/11 – V for Victory Resistance Campaign Launched

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