I recently heard from a reader who is at her wit’s end because her husband is resisting her efforts at making emergency provisions for their future. “I have ordered the Berkey [water filter],” she writes, and “we had words over that. I will be making my last payment on the 4 week responder—-had words over that as well.”
“I feel deeply hurt,” she laments,”that he is not taking the lead to protect the family. Tell me as a wife and mother what to do when it is my husband who still is comatose?”
Well my dear, my own wife says, “welcome to the club.”
My wife Connie knows exactly what you’re going through. Until fairly recently, I was the comatose one in our marriage, and she was the one ragging on me to do something about building a food storage. So wake your husband up and bring him over here. I want to talk to him.
Is he here? Okay.
Listen buddy…
I feel you. We all know our wives never know what they’re talking about. That’s a given. These are the same creatures who insist the bed should be made every morning and covered with decorator pillows even though no one will ever see it.
How can we trust people like that to make rational decisions about the future? We men have to be the deciders. The ladies may be nice to look at, but we guys are the ones with the real brains.
No one disputes that.
On the other hand, you’ll never see a woman dangle a baby over a balcony, or put a five-year-old in a home-made wooden go-cart by himself and then push it down a steep hill. And she won’t give a pre-schooler a real bow and arrow to play with. So it turns out these womenfolk may indeed posses some cognitive skills, after all.
It’s called “The Ability To Think Things Through,” and frankly, a woman has it all over us men in that department, especially when it comes to thinking about the security and well-being of her family. Unlike a man, a woman seems to know instinctively that a five-year-old has no concept of braking and steering. Or that it’s possible you might drop the baby when the other kid sneaks up and stabs you in the bum with an arrow.
A woman’s knack for Thinking Things Through includes the ability to recognize, even if you don’t, that if your family runs out of food one day, you will all starve to death and die.
So your wife may be on to something. You should listen to her.
I think I understand where you’re coming from though, Pal. Extra food costs money, and you probably feel you can’t afford to have her throwing away money on something you aren’t going to use right away.
So let me ask you this: Do you think you’ll have more money next month -or next year? How about five years from now? You’ll still need food then, and I double-dog guarantee you it’s going to cost a whole lot more than you can get it for today.
This nation is headed for a period of hyper inflationary depression unlike anything you can imagine. It is unavoidable. The die is already cast, thanks to the short-sightedness of our politicians and the blissful ignorance of our fellow citizens. We will be going through some very bad times indeed. Americans will go hungry, and Americans will die. There will be no effective government safety net to save us.
Back during the Great Depression of the 1930′s, over 80% of Americans lived on farms. They still struggled, but at least they owned land to grow food on. The biggest problem some of them had to contend with was their chickens and watermelons being stolen by passing hobos.
At least back then a vast majority of families had some chickens and watermelons on hand.
Today those figures on farm households are inverted. Less than 20% of Americans live on farms today, and most of them don’t own the land they live on. They are effectively sharecroppers living at the whim of big agricultural conglomerates.
So things are certain to get ugly for everybody down the road. You will want to have some food on hand. As much as you can get.
I wrote previously about how I came to the realization that if I found it difficult to afford extra food now, it wasn’t likely to get easier later. I certainly didn’t have the money to buy a full year’s supply, but I knew I had to do something.
So that’s what I did. I manned up and did something. I started very small and made it very easy. I began putting just a portion of our monthly grocery budget toward buying…groceries.
And I found it didn’t hurt a bit.
Because the first things I bought were things I like to eat anyway, and it turned out I could get them cheaper from eFoods than I could at the store. That’s right; believe it or not, most of the food you can get from eFoods is not only healthier and tastier than the grocery store, but cheaper, too. So go ahead and eat some now and save some for later.
Long-term storable food industry leader, EfoodsDirect, places bids on many of the commodities they’ll need as much as a year ahead, so while you’re paying higher prices now, the buyers at eFoodsDiret got the same grains, fruits, and vegetables by bidding less for much of it before it was even grown and harvested. The food is processed on-site and sent directly to you. No outside distributors, vendors, or middlemen to pay, no grocery store overhead, and very little labor.
Do you like to eat Mac and Cheese? I do. I used to regularly buy those microwavable bowls of the stuff. But those bowls cost a dollar each now, and they only yield a half cup. Unless you’re serving it to a baby in a highchair, that is never enough to satisfy.
A pouch of the White Chedder and Shells from eFoodsDirect provides two people with a two-cup serving each. That’s a full pound of heavy eating per person, and the shells are those big white fluffy thick ones, not the puny yellow pastas you’re used to. Plus, the cheese sauce is that yummy white cheddar kind. If you break down the cost per half cup, you’ll find eFoods’ White Chedder and Shells cost about 75 cents compared to the inferior one from the grocery store that can run you a whole dollar.
Another favorite of mine is their Tortilla Soup. The price of a can of Progresso Tortilla Soup down the street is now up to $2.98 a can. But I’ve found it on sale for $2.49 elsewhere, so let’s call it that. (I found a case of it online for $49.99, which would bring the per-can cost to $4.16, but let’s not even consider that one.)
I’m comparing prices with Progresso because that high quality brand is the closest to the quality of soup I get from eFoods, but you can pay as much as $5.50 for something comparable in a nice restaurant, and only get a cup’s worth.
By purchasing from eFoodsDirect, I can cook up two cups of the best tortilla soup I ever tasted in my life for about two dollars and twenty-two cents, compared with the $2.50-3.00 I’d have to pay at the store. Plus, the eFoodsDirect soup is creamier and heartier than the canned soup, and unlike canned soup, it won’t expire before the year is out. It will last decades if I need it to.
Don’t even get me started on the Creamy Potato Soup. As a proud manly man, it isn’t often I use the word “dreamy” when describing anything, but the Creamy Potato Soup from eFoodsDirect is just plain dreamy. I’ve tried them all. Nothing comes close to this. I really can’t get enough. And cheaper than elsewhere? That goes without saying.
An amazing thing occurred once I set my mind to obtaining food storage. It was as if God and angels opened the windows of heaven and provided a way for it to happen. I already have more resources on hand than I ever thought I would by this time.
The folks at eFoods understand you are struggling just to put food on the table. Give them a call, tell them about your situation, and let them suggest some ideas. They’ll work with you.
As Joan of Arc said, “when we move, God moves.”
So it’s time for you to get moving. You and I are both very lucky to have women with the foresight to patiently nudge us in the right direction. But now it’s time for you to graciously take the reins from your wife’s hands and start taking control of your family’s future. Show that little woman you can be just as smart as she is.
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