Zen Gardner
November 9, 2011 

You may be surprised to find out, as I was, that the Earth does not really need the moon. That it was “perfectly placed to sustain life” turns out to be a load of nonsense.

Sure, things would be different, but in a good way, believe it or not.

The moon’s mysterious introduction into an earthbound orbit still puzzles scientists, esoteric philosphers and ancient historians alike. While physicists puzzle over the anomalous characterists of the moon, many ancient tales and writings refer to a time “before the moon”.

The persistent underlying question to me is, these Controllers that are running and ruining our planet – where are they from and why are they doing it? And I’d also like to know what the moon’s got to do with it cuz it ain’t supposed to be there.

Here’s the Deal..It’s Not What We Were Told (Again…)

First, the scientific take from one researcher:

What would have happened if the Earth did not have the Moon?

  • On a daily basis, we would still have large breakers on the continental west coasts because of the rotation speed of the Earth, and the existence of storms out at sea, and sloping beaches. The waves we are most familiar with from minute to minute are caused by small ripples out at sea caused by storms, which get amplified into majestic breakers by their motion up a sloping beach, and the rotation of the Earth from west to east which gives them added momentum. Without the Moon, we would still have high and low tides due to the Sun, but these would be half as tall as the lunar high and low tides. There would, however, be no Neap or Spring Tides which occur when the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the Earth, or on the same side.
  • So far as anyone can tell, there would be no impacts on the issue of life on the Earth because, if ocean tides were important in getting life started by, for example, mixing up the so-called ‘primordial soup’, the solar tides ought to have been more than adequate to have done the same thing 3.5 – 4.0 billion years ago.
  • Without the Moon, there would have been no necessity for breaking the calendar year into 12 months.
  • The tidal stress upon the Earth due to the gravity from the Moon would have vanished, and some feel that this might have had an impact on how active the crust of the Earth would be in terms of vulcanism and continental drift. It is possible that the Earth would have been slightly less geologically active, and when the Earth’s atmosphere was first being formed via volcanic outgassing, perhaps it would have taken a bit longer for the atmosphere to have reached high enough concentrations necessary for synthesizing life. I think, however, that the physics of the interior of the Earth, the rate of convection of the mantle, is far more under the control of non-lunar influences intrinsic to the Earth itself.
  • Without the Moon, there would be no 26,000 precession of the equinoxes which is due to the torquing of the Earth by the Moon. This would be replaced by a much slower precession caused by the influence of the Sun, Venus and Mars. The axis of the Earth’s rotation in space would point towards the same spot in the sky for 100’s of thousands and even millions of years.
  • Recent computer simulations suggest that, without the Moon, the Earth’s axis tilt may have been very different than what it is today. This would have caused very different seasons on the Earth, and the impact that this could have had on the developing biosphere ranges from moderate to catastrophic. The Moon actually seems to stabilize the tilt of the Earth’s rotation axis over the course of billions of years.

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