Owen Shroyer hosts this LIVE edition of War Room, weekdays 3-6 p.m. CT.

Also catch the streams at infowars.com/show and Banned.video.

Also, remember to tune in tonight for the latest episode of American Countdown, hosted by constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes from 7-9PM CT.


As the world awakens to the New World Order’s plan to permanently imprison the planet, the globalists plan their next move

AG Barr says no criminal indictment for Obama expected: America’s ticked!

Start your week informed with this bombshell Monday edition of the most banned broadcast in the world! The post-human agenda of the elite is underway!

David Knight Show: Revolution – The Shot Injected Around The World

Remember to share this censored broadcast!

On this Monday broadcast of The David Knight Show, we’ll expose the people behind the coronavirus vaccine as President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed works on creating a rushed product.

Also, special guest Eddie Craig joins the program to teach listeners how to fight back against some of the ridiculous penalties government has created in the name of coronavirus.

The Emergency Election Sale is now live! Get 30% to 60% off our most popular products today!

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